
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。


How are wheezing and asthma connected to Marfan syndrome?


Interestingly, we see a great deal of wheezing in both children and adults with Marfan syndrome and it's somewhat of a complex kind of symptom in Marfan syndrome because the cause of the wheezing can be very different than wheezing in the general population.



One issue is, as I was telling you before, that some of the chest wall abnormalities that we see can cause abnormal development of the lungs. They can also cause abnormal development of the airways and the airways are tubes that conduct oxygen into the alveoli where oxygen goes into the blood.



And so what happens is that these tubes can actually get very narrowed because of where they're positioned in the chest and when they become narrow, they're susceptible to kind of what we call wheezing because there's airway obstruction and so that's a cause of airway obstruction. That's not a classic cause that you would see in someone who doesn't have Marfan's syndrome because that's a result of a restrictive process and not what we would call a reactive process or an allergic process which is what we see kind of in most people who don't have Marfan syndrome.



The other issue is that, and this is something that's kind of emerging from some of the resources going on in Marfan syndrome and Loeys-Dietz syndrome, is there seems to be some primary defect in the inflammatory cells that lead to an asthma or an allergic phenotype in patients with Marfan syndrome and so it may be that those disturbances underlie a primary predisposition to develop asthma and that's one of the areas of research that we're investigating at Hopkins.



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What is a "6 minute walk test" and why is it helpful for people with Marfan syndrome?


One study that and I think more and more of the Mafan patients that I consult on are having is what I call an exercise study, which is a quantitative measurement of exercise capacity because my feeling is that whenever you come into the medical system and you say you have a symptom. What we need to do is somehow qualify it, quantify it and then what we can do is determine whether our interventions have actually been effective and you have a number in your head to say, "Okay, I'm starting here." "I would want to maintain this," "I don't want to get worse," or "I want to get better."



And the study that best does that, that isn't terrifically kind of involved, and isn't so hard to arrange is what I call a six-minute walk test and it's a test we performed very commonly in a variety of chronic lung disorders and it's very suitable for Marfan patients because it can tell us what the actual limitations in their exercise capacity is, relative
to other people of the same age, the same gender and it's very, very easy to perform.



And so I tell many patients to ask their physicians to order a six-minute walk test and even if their interpretation is not so refined, they can always send the test results to me or to people like me to have us kind of weight in, help their physicians at home understand what they're looking at and often they'll have six minute walk tests that are much better than they had anticipated and that's really encouraging because then it says, "Okay I'm actually not doing badly, but what can I do to maintain this level of functioning? And what can I do to potentially improve it?" and it just gives you a place to be and I think that is always so useful as you're thinking about interventions going forward.



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What is the appropriate treatment for restrictive lung disease?


One of the aspects of restrictive lung disease that I encourage patients to really think about and discuss with their physicians is whether the surgical intervention that are being proposed will actually either maintain their level of lung function or improve it because unfortunately, I think it's because there are so many different surgeries that are offered to patients with Marfan syndrome and they have to be responsible for understanding the literature and the history, the expectations for every one of these surgical interventions.



And for interventions in the chest, there's a component of what we call cosmesis; that's appearance and there's also a component of what we call function and those can be very much separated and divided.



For example, pectus excavatum is a very common, just deformity in Marfan syndrome and it's typically kind of manifest and many people have it who don't have Marfan syndrome; it's the most common chest wall disorder in the general population and what it is is a depression of the sternum or the central part of your chest.



And for some people and for some kids especially who have this, it's a major source of discomfort, especially around other kids who may see it when they're in gym class, when they go swimming and what I encourage parents to do is to take that discomfort seriously and if there's an intervention plan, simply because you have a child who feels uncomfortable and finds this kind of a socially kind of disturbing situation, that's a reason to intervene.Unfortunately, that rationale for a surgical procedure gets very much tied into, "Will this improve my child's lung function?"



And very often, a pectus will cause just a modest, a very small reduction in lung function but nothing that would cause any symptomatic problem or major limitation on exercise capacity.



And so what I like to do is really clarify the rationale factually having a procedure done because unfortunately there's not any surgical procedure that doesn't have a potential complication and therefore parents really have to know why they're having the procedure done and the pectus is a classic example because I hear all the time from parents who say, you know, "Will it improve my child's lung function?" I've been told that he has reduced lung function or she has reduced lung capacity and I try to clarify the issue, knowing the intervention will not improve the lung function but if there's a cosmetic reason to have it done, then that's compelling.



And I mean there I had an encounter a couple of years ago at one of the Marfan meetings where one of the parents was concerned about having the surgery and her son had a fairly deep pectus and brought her son into the room and we were talking about the pros and cons and I asked the son, "Are you concerned about having this pectus?" and he said, "Oh no! I think it's really cool because I can put coke cans and I could put lots of things in there when I hang out with my friends," and I asked him "Well, you know, do you feel odd because your chest is different from your friends?" and he said, "Well no, why would I want to look like everybody anyway!" and so I thought, "My gosh!" They have this exceptional child and, you know, it's wonderful. That's exactly what you want your child to say.



And because he obviously had an incredibly healthy self-concept, it didn't bother him and and so the major rationale for doing the surgery just wasn't there and I think it was very helpful for them to hear him say that in a very neutral environment and I like to encourage parents to actually have that conversation with their children.



The Marfan Foundation did not participate in the translation of these materials and does not in any way endorse them. If you are interested in this topic, please refer to our website, Marfan.org, for materials approved by our Professional Advisory Board.
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What pulmonary tests do you recommend for Marfan patients?


One of the things I actively encouraged and it almost becomes like a, like a broken record with me is I think anyone with Marfan syndrome should get a good
set of pulmonary function tests and this is for a number of reasons.



First of all, many of the organ systems that are affected in Marfan syndrome have a feature of progressive deterioration and that's one of the kind of unfortunate aspects of Marfan syndrome.



Since we're unable to kind of rebuild a tissue at this point, in time, hopefully, at some point, we will, we need to kind of deal with the fact that there is going to be this accelerated course where the tissues actually become more and more vulnerable.



In the lung, it becomes very important because many interventions are based on the determination of abnormal lung function and using kind of preventive strategies to try to avoid or delay the development of very, very severe kind of respiratory dysfunction or shortness of breath, or disability.



And so what I suggest is that we get pulmonary function tests and these are typically tests that tell us what the capacity of someone is. Someone has to have to take a deep breath in and to blow that breath out efficiently and those studies are usually able to be conducted in children over the age of about five.



Now, there are certain ancillary studies that go along with pulmonary function tests that aren't necessarily conducted all the time and I encourage them to be conducted to Marfan patients and these are studies of respiratory muscle strength and they include what we call maximal expiratory pressure and maximal inspiratory pressure and what they'll do is they'll tell us how of the respiratory or the breathing limitations are caused by just generalized muscle weakness



And lastly I asked that they have, we call, a sniff fluoroscopy that sounds like a weird term, but it's basically a way of looking at the diaphragm which is a respiratory muscle and determining whether the diaphragm is actually moving appropriately and one way that we can do that is by having people sniff because the diaphragm presumably should move down when you sniff and then when the sniff is over, it'll come back up.

最後になりますが、sniff fluoroscopyと呼ばれている検査があります。呼吸筋の一種である横隔膜を調べ、動きに問題が無いことを確認します。患者さんに鼻から空気を吸い込んでもらいます。その際横隔膜は下がります。吸い込みをやめると横隔膜は元に戻ります。


And so these battery of studies can give us kind of a narrative of how the lungs are performing when they have very various tests of their function and so that's why I think they're very useful.



The Marfan Foundation did not participate in the translation of these materials and does not in any way endorse them. If you are interested in this topic, please refer to our website, Marfan.org, for materials approved by our Professional Advisory Board.
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How are the lungs affected in Marfan syndrome?


You know, the way I like to kind of discuss them are from the, the features that are the most common to the features, that are a little less common and a little more exotic.



And so the most common kind of respiratory manifestation of Marfan syndrome involves a chest wall and most patients with Marfan syndrome are very familiar with kind of the chest wall abnormalities, which include like pectus abnormalities; pectus excavatum where you have the sunken in chest, or carinatum where the chest actually is very prominent, and scoliosis which is curvature of the spine.



And lastly you can have a respiratory muscle, kind of this function and respiratory muscle weakness and that's because the skeletal muscles in patients with Marfan syndrome are decidedly weaker than the skeletal muscles and patients who don't have the syndrome.



And so the respiratory muscle weakness and some of these chest wall abnormalities serve to reduce the respiratory capacity of the lungs and so what happens is, what we call, a restrictive defect and so the chest is largely restricted and that you can't take as deep a breath as you need in order to bring in the oxygen but also to get rid of carbon dioxide which the body normally makes.



Now well, one of the things that I notice and, you know, I focus on with parents especially, is an awareness of when kind of an abnormality develops in the context of kind of a child's normal developmental life. Now those of us who are lung specialists, we
think about the longest forming from before birth up until about the age of five or six years of age and so any type of disturbance in the thoracic cage or, what we call, the chest cage will actually translate into abnormal formation of the lung and so any child
with Marfan syndrome who has scoliosis or a pectus abnormality before that time is actually definitely going to have some sequelae in terms of lung function.



The Marfan Foundation did not participate in the translation of these materials and does not in any way endorse them. If you are interested in this topic, please refer to our website, Marfan.org, for materials approved by our Professional Advisory Board.
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Why does Marfan syndrome affect the lungs?


Well, the striking aspect of lung function in Marfan syndrome is that it's so varied and it involves multiple different organ systems and the way that, I typically think about it, is that the the mutant gene of Marfan syndrome; fibrillin-1 expressed in lots and lots of different tissues and many of the cell types that is expressed in are in the lung and so the result of that is that you get abnormalities in kind of the skeletal muscle system which involves a thoracic cage. In the muscles which also involve a thoracic cage, and actually within the lung proper, which obviously is within the thoracic cage, and so all of those systems actually can be affected in Marfan syndrome.



OK, the lung tissue itself, some of this information we've garnered from the animal models that I worked on with Hal Dietz at Johns Hopkins.



And one thing we found was that the fibrillin, protein, which is the the protein that is made by the mutant gene in Marfan syndrome, is actually critical for the normal formation of the air spaces in the lungs and, as most people know, that air spaces are the sites where oxygen moves from the lung into the bloodstream.



And we found that these were not formed properly in mice that had the mutation in Marfan syndrome that we see in patients and so the sequelae of this is that you have under-formed or what we consider immature lungs that are unable to function properly and might not deliver the requisite amount of oxygen to the tissues.



The Marfan Foundation did not participate in the translation of these materials and does not in any way endorse them. If you are interested in this topic, please refer to our website, Marfan.org, for materials approved by our Professional Advisory Board.
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Did I do something to cause my child to have Marfan syndrome?


So when parents come in and their child is the first person in the family to have Marfan syndrome, they start replaying in their head every drink they had, you know, what they did in their teenage years and their young adult years and we really assuage their guilt; there is nothing that you did that caused this.



It is a random change in the DNA that happened when the egg and the sperm came together and that you have no control over how your DNA gets replicated.



So, we try to take away that guilt as much as possible and that's a process for parents to go through but there is nothing that they did to cause Marfan syndrome in their child.



As the DNA gets replicated and gets passed down and sometimes that machinery just makes a mistake. Every single person carries about six to ten gene changes in all of their DNA and in some people, it's just in a gene that impacts your body more than in other genes and so in individuals with Marfan syndrome, the way that, that machinery replicated the DNA from their parents a simple mistake was made and it happened to be in the Marfan gene.



The Marfan Foundation did not participate in the translation of these materials and does not in any way endorse them. If you are interested in this topic, please refer to our website, Marfan.org, for materials approved by our Professional Advisory Board.
The Marfan Foundationは、当翻訳には関与しておらず、翻訳内容に関してはいかなる承認も行っておりません。このトピックに興味をお持ちの方は、Marfan.orgにアクセスし、当協会の専門家から成る諮問委員会が承認した内容をご参照ください。