
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

Entries from 2020-12-05 to 1 day

マルファン関連疾患における整形外科的所見 ~脊髄刺激療法~

Keeping Your Spine, Limbs, and Feet Healthy in Marfan and Related Conditions 11:59-12:39 In some cases, dural estasia is kind of refractory to pain so after various physical modality, strengthening, ???, there is kind of a final option for…

マルファン関連疾患における整形外科的所見 ~硬膜拡張の経過~

Keeping Your Spine, Limbs, and Feet Healthy in Marfan and Related Conditions 10:55-11:58 Does dural estasia gets worse over time? We tried to study this with an 11-year follow up with a dozen patients and we had pinned some in 2002 and we …

マルファン関連疾患における整形外科的所見 ~硬膜拡張の痛み~

Keeping Your Spine, Limbs, and Feet Healthy in Marfan and Related Conditions 10:02-10:54 And dural ectasia causes pain. In most cases it does, although there are some patients who have dural ectasia don't have any pain. We don't know why t…

マルファン関連疾患における整形外科的所見 ~硬膜拡張の原理~

Keeping Your Spine, Limbs, and Feet Healthy in Marfan and Related Conditions 9:01-12:40 Dural estasia is probably a term you've heard because it can cause symptoms and also cause concern in many people with Marfan syndrome. Some would say …