
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。


妊娠・出産について(アメリカ・ヨーロッパの専門医の視点から) ~大動脈解離のリスク因子~

Family Planning and Pregnancy: US and Europe Perspectives 26:21-28:53 So risk factors in the setting of, of, of Marfan disease and related heritable thoracic aortic diseases diagnosis of the aortopathy is really crucial. Most women in seri…

妊娠・出産について(アメリカ・ヨーロッパの専門医の視点から) ~大動脈解離のリスク~

Family Planning and Pregnancy: US and Europe Perspectives 22:52-26:21 I will be addressing firstly what is the risk that we are talking about, how can we estimate the risk, how can we reduce the risk and I'll be addressing prophylactic sur…

妊娠・出産について(アメリカ・ヨーロッパの専門医の視点から) ~産科のまとめ~

Family Planning and Pregnancy: US and Europe Perspectives 21:15-21:49 So the summary from this first part is really just saying get information about your body and the risks and imaging and consultation prior to even thinking about pregnan…

妊娠・出産について(アメリカ・ヨーロッパの専門医の視点から) ~体外受精とリスク~

Family Planning and Pregnancy: US and Europe Perspectives 18:05-21:13 The procedure of IVF is complex, so just to sort of walk you through what this entails. First, the first the, the mother needs to have hormonal medications to induce ovu…

妊娠・出産について(アメリカ・ヨーロッパの専門医の視点から) ~着床前診断~

Family Planning and Pregnancy: US and Europe Perspectives 16:42-18:03 So talking just about pre-implantation genetic ??? testing on the embryo. It's usually going to be made in a dish and then it's day five or six, you can take one cell fr…

妊娠・出産について(アメリカ・ヨーロッパの専門医の視点から) ~「親」になるという選択~

Family Planning and Pregnancy: US and Europe Perspectives 16:01-16:39 So the decision to become a parent again is really a personal decision and then how you achieve this goal is very individualized based on your medical risks, your morals…

妊娠・出産について(アメリカ・ヨーロッパの専門医の視点から) ~着床前診断・出生前診断~

Family Planning and Pregnancy: US and Europe Perspectives 14:20-15:59 So changing gears and sort of talking about genetics and heritability. A bunch of people asked prior to the president the, this presentation, "what is the risk of me pas…

妊娠・出産について(アメリカ・ヨーロッパの専門医の視点から) ~β遮断薬、ACE阻害薬・ARB、ワーファリン~

Family Planning and Pregnancy: US and Europe Perspectives 10:46-14:17 In terms of meditation, the first thing I want to say is it's really important to not just stop or start a medication you should always be doing this with one of your do…

妊娠・出産について(アメリカ・ヨーロッパの専門医の視点から) ~産科の合併症~

Family Planning and Pregnancy: US and Europe Perspectives 9:56-10:43 Okay, so other people are going to be talking about risks in relation to pregnancy more of the cardiac side of things. From an obstetric standpoint there are studies that…

妊娠・出産について(アメリカ・ヨーロッパの専門医の視点から) ~妊娠前カウンセリング~

Family Planning and Pregnancy: US and Europe Perspectives 7:43-9:54 So I'm talking about preconception counseling. We're going to talk about the one baseline knowledge about your body, so sort of getting imaging before pregnancy, we're goi…

大動脈解離の治療における進展 ~B型解離と妊娠・出産~

Advances in the Treatment of Aortic Dissection 29:12-31:11 What about pregnancy? This is a very common question and we presume that these females who are pregnant are at a higher risk due to the physiologic changes. The heart has to work h…

ロイス・ディーツ症候群の遺伝学 ~アレルギー・出産~

What’s in Your LDS Family Tree? Genetics, Variability, Outcomes (September 1, 2020) 28:47-29:58 In terms of variability of allergic and GI disease, this has been observed in types 1 and 2 Loeys-Dietz syndrome. It's really an unknown right …


Marfan Syndrome Management: Back to Basic 54:40-56:43 Can we go back to the abdominal aortic aneurysm for a second? How does that affect pregnancy, what would be your recommendation for that if somebody has an aortic aneurysm, an abdominal…


はじめに マルファン女性の出産が身体や健康に及ぼす影響は? マルファン女性の妊娠はハイリスクか? 妊娠中の大動脈解離リスク因子 妊娠前にすべきこと・受診すべき診療科 妊娠中に避けるべき薬 妊娠中に服用してもよい薬 帝王切開を選択すべきか 授乳リス…

大動脈手術後の生活についてのオンライン座談会 ~術後の妊娠・出産~

Personal Perspectives Panel: Life After Aortic Surgery 38:51-40:43 I don't, I mean, I can give my personal story with it. So I was diagnosed at 16 and, you know, they always said that it would be, you know, a risk factor obviously to get p…

大動脈手術後の生活についてのオンライン座談会 ~手術後の妊娠・出産(医師の解説)~

Personal Perspectives Panel: Life After Aortic Surgery 36:33-38:49 There's something else a lot of people asked about and I'm going to go to David first and to you on this as well and we'll see if anybody else wants to comment. There are a…

遺伝カウンセラーの役割 ~症例⑦ マルファン症候群の17歳女子 着床前診断と出生前診断・出生後診断~

The Role of the Genetic Counselor - Empowerment Series - 3/14/19 35:57-37:39 So one of these options is called pre-implantation genetic diagnosis or PGD for short and this option is best for parents who wish to prevent passing their known …

遺伝カウンセラーの役割 ~症例⑦ マルファン症候群の17歳女子 両親の願い~

The Role of the Genetic Counselor - Empowerment Series - 3/14/19 34:06-35:56 So our last set of case examples. Here we'll cover how genetic counselors support their patient's emotional needs and psychosocial concerns. ご紹介する症例も残す…


Pregnancy Concerns in Marfan Syndrome and Loeys-Dietz Syndrome 56:54-58:28 Q:What about a woman with Marfan, who doesn't, who doesn't take beta blockers and should she start taking them during pregnancy or any other medication to slow the …


Pregnancy Concerns in Marfan Syndrome and Loeys-Dietz Syndrome 55:14-56:40 Q:What advice would you have for exercise when pregnant with Marfan syndrome? 妊娠中のマルファン症候群女性が運動するにあたってのアドバイスはありますか? A:Yeah, so …


Pregnancy Concerns in Marfan Syndrome and Loeys-Dietz Syndrome 54:33-55:09 Q:If you have pectus excavatum, pectus excavatum, how might that affect your experience while pregnant? Does it? 漏斗胸がある場合、妊娠に影響はありますか? A:It's s…


Pregnancy Concerns in Marfan Syndrome and Loeys-Dietz Syndrome Q:Do you recommend a specific oral birth control medication or brand for women with Marfan? マルファン症候群の女性向けにおすすめの経口避妊薬はありますか? A:So in terms of oral…

マルファン症候群およびロイス・ディーツ症候群における妊娠・出産 ~まとめ~

Pregnancy Concerns in Marfan Syndrome and Loeys-Dietz Syndrome 42:24-44:04 So my summary points just from this whole thing is I hope I didn't scare people. I want to tell you that I am very supportive of women becoming pregnant. では、まと…

マルファン症候群およびロイス・ディーツ症候群における妊娠・出産 ~授乳と大動脈解離リスク~

Pregnancy Concerns in Marfan Syndrome and Loeys-Dietz Syndrome 39:42-42:22 So I'm sure that Hal Dietz has talked about the mouse model and they recently published all this data that they've had for a long time in a paper where they have lo…

マルファン症候群およびロイス・ディーツ症候群における妊娠・出産 ~出産後のケア~

Pregnancy Concerns in Marfan Syndrome and Loeys-Dietz Syndrome 38:46-39:40 So postpartum. We know that, you know, again, I talked about the highest risk times are in the third trimester or after delivery for an aortic dissection and so inp…

マルファン症候群およびロイス・ディーツ症候群における妊娠・出産 ~出産の方法・時期・場所~

Pregnancy Concerns in Marfan Syndrome and Loeys-Dietz Syndrome 36:11-38:43 So delivery recommendation sort of "How," "When," and "Where." 出産について、「方法」、「時期」、「場所」の観点で見ていきます。 So "How." It's either vaginal delive…

マルファン症候群およびロイス・ディーツ症候群における妊娠・出産 ~硬膜外麻酔~

Pregnancy Concerns in Marfan Syndrome and Loeys-Dietz Syndrome 33:23-36:04 Okay, so talking about anesthesia. So first I just want to say good anesthesia is key for safety if you have Marfan or Loeys-Dietz syndrome and I know it's sort of …

マルファン症候群およびロイス・ディーツ症候群における妊娠・出産 ~胎児のエコー検査~

Pregnancy Concerns in Marfan Syndrome and Loeys-Dietz Syndrome 31:31-33:19 And then talking about the baby. So, we want to do something called a level 2 ultrasound or that's a detailed scan where we look at all of the structures of the bab…

マルファン症候群およびロイス・ディーツ症候群における妊娠・出産 ~大動脈の保護~

Pregnancy Concerns in Marfan Syndrome and Loeys-Dietz Syndrome 29:55-31:30 So talking about protection of the aorta and then we're going to talk about how we watch the baby as well. このスライドでは、大動脈の保護と母体内の胎児の経過観察に…

マルファン症候群およびロイス・ディーツ症候群における妊娠・出産 ~遺伝子検査~

Pregnancy Concerns in Marfan Syndrome and Loeys-Dietz Syndrome 27:31-29:53 So talking about genetic testing, again, this is a really personal decision of whether to do this or not and if you, we do know, like we talked about previously, th…