
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。


大動脈解離の治療における進展 ~自己弁温存手術の転帰:ワシントン大学の場合~

Advances in the Treatment of Aortic Dissection 18:36-19:50 At Washington University we've done, we just presented our series at the last surgical meeting of 177 of these patients who had valve sparing procedures, very young patients averag…

大動脈解離の治療における進展 ~外科手術の術式~

Advances in the Treatment of Aortic Dissection 17:14-18:35 So here let's look at the options for repair. Supracommissural replacement, that's an ascending aortic replacement is number, is letter a and that's just a classic repair. We repai…

大動脈解離の治療における進展 ~大動脈解離の修復手術で考慮すべきこと~

Advances in the Treatment of Aortic Dissection 16:33-17:13 So we need to talk about cannulation. That's how we put somebody on the heart-lung machine whether we do in a vessel near your head or a vessel in your leg. These are all important…

大動脈解離の治療における進展 ~治療法別の院内死亡率(IRAD)~

Advances in the Treatment of Aortic Dissection 15:35-16:11 So the IRAD database is a database all over the world that puts all their data into one spot and looks at results. では、IRADからわかっていることをご紹介します。IRADとは、急性大動…

大動脈解離の治療における進展 ~A型解離の手術適応と手術の目的~

Advances in the Treatment of Aortic Dissection 14:06-15:34 So when do we treat an acute dissection? Well, any patient who's deemed survivable and so it used to be that "Oh, if you're over 80 you don't get treated," but that's just not true…


はじめに 執刀医にどのような質問をしましたか? 手術に向けてどのような準備をしましたか? 手術前の検査などについて教えてください -大動脈人工弁の種類はどのように決めましたか? 手術や手術からの回復期について事前に知っておきたかったことはどのよ…


What’s in Your LDS Family Tree? Genetics, Variability, Outcomes (September 1, 2020) 58:16-1:01:46 So say that there is someone who has an aortic root or ascending aneurysm, there's no known family history, their genetic testing has thus fa…

ロイス・ディーツ症候群の遺伝学 ~タイプ別の大動脈手術適応サイズ~

What’s in Your LDS Family Tree? Genetics, Variability, Outcomes (September 1, 2020) 27:42-28:46 You know, some other places where you have noticed some variability that has helped us to kind of figure out different guidelines to take care …


Marfan Syndrome Management: Back to Basic 56:44-59:14 How common are is, how common is it for a pediatric patient to require aortic surgery and what does the measurement and should people worry about that? Eileen:お子さんが大動脈手術を受け…


Marfan Syndrome Management: Back to Basic 54:40-56:43 Can we go back to the abdominal aortic aneurysm for a second? How does that affect pregnancy, what would be your recommendation for that if somebody has an aortic aneurysm, an abdominal…


Marfan Syndrome Management: Back to Basic 52:13-53:30 Dr. Malaisrie, are there protocols for aneurysms in the ascending aorta above the root. Is that different from aor, aneurysms at the root? Maisrie先生に質問です。大動脈基部の先にある上…


Marfan Syndrome Management: Back to Basic 49:41-50:32 Over to Dr. Malaisrie, typically how long are you in the hospital for aortic surgery if it's prophylactic, you know, and then how long is the recovery after once you go home assuming th…


Marfan Syndrome Management: Back to Basic 45:16-47:28 Can each of you talk about life, life expectancy, you know, whether somebody's diagnosed early, you know, what, what's the impact on life expectancy from aortic surgery? Question about …


Marfan Syndrome Management: Back to Basic 42:13-45:13 There are several questions about physical activity and Marfan syndrome and Loeys-Dietz, so Dr. Morris, can you just talk about that from, you know, from diagnosis and while you're moni…

マルファン症候群をはじめから ~大動脈基部手術のまとめ~

Marfan Syndrome Management: Back to Basic 39:47-40:28 So in conclusion this is what you need to know when you go see your cardiac surgeon. First I recommend to seek out an expert center for advice about timing of surgery. Not everyone need…

マルファン症候群をはじめから ~大動脈基部以外の心臓手術~

38:06-39:46 There's other considerations that your surgeon is going to talk to you about when thinking about any cardiac surgery for Marfan syndrome. The first is how much aorta to replace. If only the aortic roots is affected then the pat…

マルファン症候群をはじめから ~ベントール手術とデイビット手術~

Marfan Syndrome Management: Back to Basic 34:43-38:04 Now we take all of these considerations into account in order to determine which operation is appropriate for you for the aortic root. では、大動脈基部手術の術式について説明します。 So …


はじめに - 手術を受けることになった時はどう思いましたか? - 家族やお医者さんにどのような質問をしましたか? - 友達に手術のことを伝えた時どのような反応でしたか? - 手術を受けたのは何歳の時ですか? - 手術について友達にどう説明しましたか? ☆ …

マルファン症候群をはじめから ~画像検査・薬物治療・予防的大動脈置換~

Marfan Syndrome Management: Back to Basic 16:31-19:13 So what can we do to prevent bad outcomes in Marfan syndrome? How can we manage this, how can, how have we changed the life expectancy from 30 to near normal? では、Marfan症候群で最悪の…


Living with Risk 56:30-57:36 Several people are asking about risks after aortic surgery so Juan, do you want to talk about that from the aortic point of view? 大動脈手術後のリスクについてもいくつか質問が寄せられています。Juan先生、大動脈の…

リスクと生きる ~動脈瘤ができる場所と手術タイミング~

Living with Risk 25:40-28:31 Now what about aneurysms in other locations and what about the timing of surgery? 動脈瘤ができる場所と手術タイミングについての質問です。 This is a complicated slide and but just the main point here is this. So …

リスクと生きる ~自己弁温存術後の大動脈解離B型の発症リスク~

Living with Risk 21:57-23:09 So now here are some questions from participants in today's session. では、本日の参加者の方から寄せられた質問に回答していきたいと思います。 So "Following a valve-sparing procedure, how likely is it to develop o…


2020年10月22日 Elijah Williams 皆さん、これが私です。上半身の傷跡はマルファン症候群との戦いを繰り広げてきた栄光の証です。 25歳という年齢で幾度となく手術を経験してきました。 Fyfe医師には子供の頃から常に心臓と大動脈の太さを診てもらってきまし…


Surgery Series: Aortic Arch (2/22/21) 1:12:49-1:13:42 Q:When you, when you're, when you, when you replace the aorta, this is a good great question, I never saw this one before, when you replace the aorta with the dacron how, what's the dia…


Surgery Series: Aortic Arch (2/22/21) 1:10:22-1:12:49 Q:Can you talk a little bit more about the aortic size, which you mentioned before and you said it's different, different number based on the person's bigger or smaller, so it's so, if …


Surgery Series: Aortic Arch (2/22/21) 1:09:23-1:19:20 Q:So what likelihood is there for scar tissue to develop after a full arch replacement and how would scar tissue impact the patient? 弓部全置換後に瘢痕組織が生じる可能性はどのくらいでし…


Surgery Series: Aortic Arch (2/22/21) 1:07:35-1:09:19 Q:Is this, so this surgery, the aortic arch surgery is just always done in an open open way? Is there any way to avoid open surgery? 大動脈弓部の手術には開胸手術以外の方法がありますか?…


Surgery Series: Aortic Arch (2/22/21) 1:06:30-1:07:31 Q:So if we can talk about Loeys-Dietz for a second. You mentioned that patients having elective root replacement surgery, you generally recommend a total re-implantation of the arch at …


Surgery Series: Aortic Arch (2/22/21) 1:02:58-1:05:08 Q:We're gonna go to Jill, who asked her a question before we started the presentation tonight. She says her native arch is still intact but she has dacron, dacron everywhere else. Is th…


Surgery Series: Aortic Arch (2/22/21) 1:01:33-1:02:56 Q:If people can't go to hog, I mean, how do people find an experienced surgeon? What should they ask, like they don't know where to go, they need to at least another question so they ca…