
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。


What would you like a person who needs aortic surgery to know?


Well, I think the first message is, is to know that everything's going to turn out okay.



It's, it is a serious problem to have an enlarged aorta. It's called an aortic aneurysm and the problem with the aortic aneurysm is that the the blood vessel can burst and that's it's a serious problem.



But if it's detected and if it's detected early we can replace that part of the aorta with a plastic tube. It's a plastic called Dacron and prevent that rupture from happening and still be able to have good quality of life and get on with the life the way you want to lead it.



But the the important part is recognizing that there's an aneurysm and then deciding at what point one should think about surgery.



What we, well, we want to be sure of is that the surgery is not done as an emergency, somewhere, somewhere else under the wrong circumstances, but rather a calm planned, we call elective operation, so that we can get the best possible result.



No twelve-year-old wants to be sitting talking about heart surgery and I understand that, and I think there are also a lot of fears. Some of them real, some of them imagined about what it's like to go through a heart operation. I think they are afraid that it's going to hurt a lot. That's one fear and that's one thing we can, we can assure them we can take care of that problem. We can make sure it doesn't hurt a lot.



I think they are afraid that they're not going to be able to live the life that they had hoped they could live, and there too I think I can assure them that we can help them get back on track.



There almost everybody I've ever met who's gone through this operation has told me it was not as bad as they thought. It was gonna be, in fact, it was much easier than they thought. It was going to be they, they feel kind of tired and it takes a couple of months to get your energy back and to feel really, really good again. But most people tell me that it's not as much pain as they thought, it wasn't as scary a process as they thought and this is something, it's, we like to say heart surgery looks good in your rear view mirror. It's nice to have it behind you, again, so you can get on with your life.



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