
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。


What is a dislocated lens and how is it treated?


So, there is fibrillin around cornea and then there's fibrillin around the lens. There is their little ligaments that hold the lens in space. Basically, you know, your lens has no real
attachment. It's a structure that floats inside the eye and you have all these ligaments that go off and attach it to what's called the ciliary body. It's behind the iris. There is a structure where these fibers insert and they keeps the lens in the center of your eye and behind the pupil.



Removal of the lens should be considered if it's cataract. So if you have cataract that people get at an advanced stage, that's a clear-cut indication. So you have cataract in there like anybody can get and you need to remove it and that happens in patients with Marfan syndrome at a younger age. They get a cataract, let's say in their 50s, so that's usually pretty straightforward. You are to take out the clear lens if you can't improve the vision or maybe if there is really threatening total dislocation of the lens.



See, it dislocates further and further and further, you may want to decide to take it out. If it creates inflammation in the eyes, that's a reason. If you are already operating in the eye because of the development of the retinal detachment, you might as well go ahead and take the lens out at the same time. So, there are their reasons. None of them is a hundred percent fixed. You don't sit there and say visual acuity at present is 20/200 and we ought to take it out. So, you don't have a well-defined point where it needs to come out.



You can just try different optic parameters and contact lenses and glasses and combinations of contact lenses and glasses to improve the vision without removal of the lens.



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