
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。


What is a retinal detachment and how is it treated?


Retinal detachment means that the retina separates from its underlying layer. Under the retina is a layer that's called a retinal pigment epithelium and that the retinal pigment epithelium supports the retina and these two layers need to be attached;they work together. There is a fluid level between the two. If they spread apart, the photoreceptors in the eye, the rods and cones, do not connect to the pigment epithelium, don't get normal nutrition and if you leave it untreated, you will lose a vision.



Why does it happen? There are holes that can occur in the retina and they can occur in anybody and through these holes, fluid from inside the eye can go under the retina and that thin layer, that's there, which is physiologic, can expand and become a big layer and a big bubble and a big area, so then the connection between these layers just isn't there anymore and the connection, you know, basically the function of the retina becomes compromised.



The most common cause for retinal detachment in the Marfan syndrome is development of holes. And it's the most common cause in general population. Occasionally, the whole retina comes off in its so-called dialysis. It basically breaks at the front edge at the front seam where the retina connects to the eye solidly, as a solid tissue and so it can come off there and you can get also holes in your macula area in your center of vision in the Marfan syndrome, so they are problems there.



Many of these problems are then related to the increased lengths of the eye, so the eyes may be big in the Marfan syndrome, so they are over gone; they're large, so you have nearsightedness, myopia, which is a factor that predisposes you to retinal detachment and you see that in the Marfan syndrome just like in the general population.



The frequency of retinal detachments in the Marfan syndrome is very high. In the general population, it's maybe one in 10,000 people, so the number is, you know, it's rare. In the Marfan syndrome, it's 3-10% of people, so it's a thousandfold.



So in a lifetime, this is a very significant risk and patients need to recognize it. So, you get flashes, floaters, new changes in your vision in one eye typically, and if you get a curtain that comes over your vision, you certainly ought to see ophthalmologist and see what can be done.



If that gets diagnosed early, you can put a laser around the hole and seal it off or use freezing their ways of doing it and dealing with that all and then the retina will reattach. It's like a pumping mechanism in the eye, so the fluid will absorb and if you don't pick it up early, you may have to do surgical intervention, actually go into the eye and become more aggressive in the management.



And another way of dealing well with these long eyes in the Marfan syndrome is to put on a so-called buckle that you put like a band around the eye to support the area with the holes develop and to support the retina and was that it was a success rate today is quite good, but it's, it's difficult, it's more difficult in the Marfan syndrome like all surgical management is just a little bit more difficult or more difficult to say it in a straight fashion. Everything just needs people who have a little more skill and a little more experience and have developed it.



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