
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。


How can parents advocate for their children?


Woman A:
You need to listen to your physicians, but you also need to question. You can do it nicely. There's many ways, right ways to get the best answers, but you really need to keep going forth and all of us that have complex conditions. A lot of times we might know more than the person or we might know the specifics about which medicine works or doesn't because there's many right ways to treat it and I think the cautionary tale is to keep advocating, giving the person, if they're old enough, the right to keep questioning. It doesn't matter if you have a seven-year-old that has a question and they can do it. Our son Micah was going to have a major surgery and he had questions that was going to affect many things. It was a pectus surgery, so he requested that all of his doctors come together and talk to him. What a novel idea from a little kid! And then he walked in with his little list and it takes some physicians a step back when they have a kid with a little list and, sure enough, don't you think he had some good questions and they looked at it, "Oh, uh, we should think about that one a little bit," but he learned that from us, from other good models from The Marfan Foundation, so that he now practices that.

主治医の話を聞く必要はありますけど、質問もしなければダメだと思いますね。質問の仕方はたくさんありますよ。いい回答を得られる方法が。でもね、積極性を忘れないこと。みんな症状が複雑で、患者本人よりも親の方が状況を理解していることも多いですよね。どの薬が効くとか効かないとか詳しくわかることもありますしね。正しい治療法はたくさんあるんですから。アドバイスとしては、ずっと子供の味方でいてあげることですね。そして、子供がある程度の年齢だったら、質問する権利を認めてあげるってことだと思います。7歳児が質問したっていいんですよ。息子のマイカが大きな手術を受けることになっていて、たくさんの分野に関係する疑問を持ってたんですよ。胸の手術だったんですけど。そしたら息子は自分の主治医を全員集めて、手術の説明をしてくれってお願いしたんです。小さい子がそんなことを考えるなんて信じられないでしょ。手にはメモを持ってその部屋に入って行ったんですよ。そしたらね、何人かの先生はびっくりしてしまって。だって小さい子供がメモを持っているんですよ。息子はいい質問を用意していたんでしょうね。メモを見た先生達が「ええと、うーん、これについては少し考えておくよ」なんて言ったんですから。息子はこの方法を私達から学んだんです。The Marfan Foundation が教えてくれたことなんですけどね。今実践してるんですよ。


Man A:
Whether after you've gone through the diagnosis and you're getting ready for some of these major surgery type things, or when you're going through those surgeries, if, you know, I can't stress enough that the parents' responsibility to keep on top of what's going on in the hospital to make sure that the hospital, the doctors, the nurses, the pharmacists, everybody are doing their job and doing it well. I'm lucky to have Cindy as such a persistent and thorough analysts of the medical files. She kept people online on track and if she hadn't, Micah's condition would have been, his, his current condition, would be much worse than it is, so I guess that's my cautionary tale is, yeah, you always have to be on top of it.



Woman B:
I especially think it's important to remind parents to go with your gut. You know, we do want everything else, so, you know, when you get some sort of medical information and maybe it's not consistent, you know, you really have to be an advocate.



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