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大動脈を守るために ~大動脈検査の頻度~

Taking Care of Your Aorta 10/15/18 (Virtual Medical Symposium Series)




Now, how often should I have a or take imaging and it really depends on the condition, the size of the aorta, and how would, how rapidly it's growing. So for Marfan and Loyes Dietz syndrome, we recommend once a year aorta imaging as long as the aorta remains at a similar size. If the aortic size increases rapidly such as three millimeters a year or more and we certainly would recommend more frequent imaging. If the aortic size is approaching a diameter like more than four and a half centimeters in Marfan syndrome where we're thinking about surgery at five centimeters, then perhaps every six months instead of once a year. Unless it's four point five, year after year, after year, then once a years is adequate.



And again the most common reason for an increase in the aortic size more than two or three millimeters is an error in the measurement. The standard error of measuring an aorta by an echocardiogram is one or two millimeters, so if it's different in size by one or two millimeters, it's likely just because it was measured differently this time versus last time as opposed to a true increase in size.



So it is very important again to have the same people look at your echocardiogram side by side and make the same measurements in the same institution, if at all possible, and have, have your provider look at those echocardiograms or CT scans to see if an aortic dimension has truly changed in size, which would be important to know, or was just a change in the way the aorta is measured. So once a year for an echocardiogram is typical unless the aorta gets to be a certain size, then every six months would be more appropriate.



A CT or MRI scan is as recommended upon diagnosis in Marfan syndrome to make sure the aorta does not enlarged in other segments. In Loyes Dietz syndrome, aortic imaging from head to pelvis, so head CT or MRI chest, abdomen, pelvis would be recommended upon diagnosis and then, depending upon the dimensions and whether the aorta is enlarged or not, then it could be once a year. It could be every other year to evaluate the aorta away from the heart.



You know, again if the aorta is not well visualized on an echocardiogram because of a pectus abnormality or lung disorder or something like that, then we do recommend an MRI because no radiations used, or CT scan to evaluate the aortic size.



After aortic surgery is performed or certainly after your dissection, then at least annual aortic imaging is done after aortic surgery and more frequent aortic imaging after an aortic dissection.



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