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大動脈を守るために ~運動について~

Taking Care of Your Aorta 10/15/18 (Virtual Medical Symposium Series)



When you think about exercise and physical activity, of course, they're different whether you're doing leisurely walking, which would be a dynamic or isotonic exercise where muscles contract and relax along their length and this does not mean too much blood pressure rise during leisurely recreational walking, as opposed to doing a static or isometric exercise, which would be straining of muscles with intense weight lifting or straining or pushing or pulling against your body weight, muscles contract there without movement and that leads to a marked increase in blood pressure and that puts more force on the aorta. So in underlying connective tissue disorders, we want to favor a dynamic or static?? exercise and try to avoid intense isometric exercise with any sort of frequency.



And there's a marked difference between doing competitive athletics, which involves systematic training and trying to do your very best for yourself or your team pushing yourself to your highest natural physical limits, versus a recreational athletics, which is fun, non-competitive, is an important for lifestyle social issues in good health. It doesn't involve the same stress and strain on the aorta, the eyes, the ligaments, etc, which are important in connective tissue disorders.



This is an example of a bodybuilder and a weightlifter, who suffered in the aortic dissection. He did not have Marfan syndrome, but, but this is the sort of person I don't not want to see in my clinic, who has one of these who has a genetic condition, this is something that we would say we'd recommend against. So while low levels of exercise, weightlifting, and training is safe in almost all individuals when you avoid straining or stressing muscles and by doing low amounts of weights, but intense weight training can lead to marked increases in blood pressures and there are reports of aortic dissection related to intense isometric exercise.



So we think about exercise and physical activity as to how many metabolic equivalents (METs) are being required and this is a nice table, which helps think about these sort of things.



And in general, sitting and resting would be a metabolic equivalent of about one, and then walking slowly or fishing, playing musical instruments, housework at light levels would be low, and brisk walking or recreational tennis leisurely, swimming, yoga, water aerobics, playing golf, these would be more moderate, and then more than that involves a little bit more stress to the aorta, so we really try to avoid intense hiking, jogging at this level, shoveling of snow, in basketball, soccer, singles tennis, this done very recreationally at a low level, is more rigorous. We really only stay?? in the yellow or green with our physical activity and sports in most circumstances.



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