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ロイス・ディーツ症候群について ~βブロッカーとARBの非臨床試験~

Loeys Dietz Syndrome: Virtual Medical Symposium Series (11/8/18)



So that led us to the concept that a special class of blood-pressure medications called angiotensin receptor blockers, with one prominent example being losartan, might be beneficial in conditions like Marfan syndrome because besides lowering blood pressure, these medications had also shown the activity, the ability to, to tamp down, to suppress activity of this TGF-β molecule.



We went on to test losartan in mice that we had engineered to have Marfan syndrome.



These mice, when given a sugar pill, when given placebo, showed a very rapid rate of aortic root growth shown as the tall red bar compared to mice that did not have Marfan syndrome shown as the green bar.



If we gave these mice a medication called propranolol that lowers blood pressure but does not suppress TGF-β, we saw that the growth rate of the aorta was decreased, but it was still not down to normal levels.



However, when we gave these mice this drug losartan, that both lowered blood pressure and suppress this TGF-β molecule, we saw that the growth of the aorta was perfectly normal.



In Marfan mice given the sugar pill, the placebo, we saw that their aortic wall was greatly thickened and appeared very abnormal. If we gave those mice the medication propranolol that only lowered blood pressure, there was no improvement in the architecture of the blood vessel wall, but if we gave these mice losartan, the aortic wall looked perfectly normal, and this all occurred in association with suppression of TGF-β activities.



This is really an exciting development to breakthrough in understanding what's causing aortic aneurysm and aortic tear in Marfan syndrome.



Now there have been many trials of medications such as losartan in Marfan patients, and these drugs have shown, in generally shown that they are either as good or better than beta blocker medications.



But there were a number of nuances to consider; they may not have added benefit on top of optimal beta blocker dosing, especially in mild cases; they may have greater benefit in younger people and those that have more severe disease ;and they may require very high dosing higher than typical dosing for the treatment of high blood pressure to have their greatest effect.


  • (特に軽度の症例の場合)至適用量のβブロッカー以上の効果が得られない可能性がある
  • 若年かつ重度の症例の患者にはより大きな効果がある
  • 最大限の効果を得るには、通常の高血圧治療で用いるよりも、かなりの高用量が必要となる


Now we continue to look at this, this situation very carefully.



Again we see in Marfan syndrome mice given a placebo or a sugar pill, there's very rapid aortic growth.



When we gave really high doses of beta blocker medications that just lower blood pressure, again we saw this reduction in the aortic growth, but still not back to normal, not back to the green bar that's showing how a normal Mouse behaves.



If we give a low dose of medications like low losartan, we saw some improvement, but at each increment of dose, as the dose got higher and higher, we saw an even better performance of the aorta all the way to the point where the aorta was actually getting smaller over time in mice that received the highest those of losartan.



So we have, we have more to learn, but my general sense of this information is that both beta-blockers and drugs like losartan can show potential for the treatment of people with Marfan syndrome.



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