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ロイス・ディーツ症候群 ~マウスモデルでの試験~

Loeys Dietz Syndrome: Virtual Medical Symposium Series (11/8/18)




We now have gone on to make mice with Loeys-Dietz syndrome by introducing mutations that we had previously seen in people into the the corresponding gene in the mouse.



We've noticed that these mice develop the skeletal features of Loeys-Dietz syndromes such as curvature of the spine that's seen over on the right. We found that these mice also show the cranial facial features of Loeys-Dietz syndrome including premature fusion of the skull bones.



But most importantly, we found that these mice also show all the cardiovascular aspects of Loeys-Dietz syndrome including enlargement of the root of the aorta and abnormalities within the wall of the aorta that show us that the tissue is weak and getting weaker over time.



When we left Loeys-Dietz mice untreated and allowed their aortas to get very big, we saw that they did show death due to aortic tear and this was an important thing. This is what we were hoping for because if the mice showed this abnormality, then we could test treatments to prevent this abnormality.



We went on to show that these mice show evidence of too much TGF-β activity just as we had seen in Marfan syndrome.



And we went on to test losartan in mice that had Loeys-Dietz syndrome. In untreated mice, we saw big aortas. In losartan-treated mice, we saw aortas that were perfectly normal in size. In mice that were treated with other medications like beta blockers, we saw that there was no improvement.



So this really gave us strong conviction that as of right now medications such as losartan can appear to be the best bet for people with Loeys-Dietz syndrome.



Again fortunately they're also very well tolerated, so we don't see lots of side effects. Certainly, there are no long-term side effects of using these medications in children and in adults.



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