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加齢とマルファン関連疾患 ~神経~

Aging with Marfan and Related Conditions (VIrtual Medical Symposium Series, 5/6/19)




Now all of us care about the way our nervous system functions and right around the age of 75 or 80, normal people begin to notice that they're not quite as sharp with their sense of balance; about 1% of us will get Parkinson's disease. I don't know the exact lifetime risk of having a peripheral neuropathy, but they're not, they're common and people notice that their peripheral nerves are not as sharp as they were when when they were young, particularly with diabetes. And then, you know, concerning to all of us is what happens to our cognitive function.


So there have been studies done on normal aging and cognitive function and there is some decline just in normal aging, so people can't pay attention quite as well; they process more slowly, they have an episodic memory, refers to a specific type of memory where you're remembering things along with the context, so it's a kind of a complex memory function that does decline even in normal people. Now I should say that this is extremely variable and some people have very little declined and others have more and these are normal people.



Now it has been shown that those who have a lifelong pattern of an active and engaged lifestyle do better and so that includes physical activity, includes mental activity and social activity, so the engaged and involved person that does better and then as we age those who maintain high levels of physical activity tend to preserve their cognitive function better than those who don't.



And this is just there are many types of new imaging and I just picked one, but this is a scan that is now available here in our institution and this arrow points to the hippocampus; this is a patient with Alzheimer's disease and you can see that there. There's a lot of atrophy in the brain in general compared to the healthy normal person in the right side, but in particular hippocampus is atrophic and if you look over here on the right, that's a nice and plump normal hippocampus and the rest of the brain also does not have this atrophy that is seen in the Alzheimer patient on the left.



Now whatever, what happens if you have the Marfan syndrome or a related disorder? Well, to my knowledge, anyway from my reading of the literature, nothing has been demonstrated that said worse, so probably about the same risk as the general population.



However, it is true though that the Marfan and related disorders patients do have more effects in the peripheral nervous system and probably because of the dural ectasia and these structural changes in the spine, so this would include impairment of sensory nerve function and with decreased the sensation, even some weakness in nerve roots, so, so this would be, I think, a challenge that is more in the Marfan syndrome and related disorders.



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