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Aging with Marfan and Related Conditions (VIrtual Medical Symposium Series, 5/6/19)




Here, this is an interesting question and somebody just posted, you know. He's having aorta repair and corrective chest surgery in August at Cleveland Clinic. He's nervous about it. He's only turning 35, so he already feels like he's falling apart.

「8月にCleveland Clinicで大動脈と胸骨の手術を行いましたが、そのことで不安を感じており、もうすぐ35歳になりますが、精神的に参っています」とのことです。


So, you know, people feel that way a lot earlier in Marfan and than, when, you know, the general population. So when, things are, things seem to be going foully-like, what's, what's your advice for for them and to get through this kind of surgery and have hope for the future?



Well, I think that, you know, if you, if you take a step back and you look at how we should practice, it should read in a biopsychosocial context, so there's, you know, the bio, there's the psycho and there's the social and they all intersect.



And, and I think one of the things that is just natural is that when you're having a problem and then another problem, it can seem like these are cascading and, you know, you're not going to get better, but in fact, most of the time these problems will be addressed and relieved to some extent, maybe not completely eliminated but, and then you'll return to a reasonable baseline.



And then, I think, some of us in including me have a human tendency to project and sort of catastrophize our thinking and we will run scripts in our brain that might be wrong, there might and this is what cognitive behavioral therapy addresses.



So I think we have a tendency in, in, in the United States and probably most of the world, to address physical problems and then mental problems when they're really bad, then you go to the psychiatrist but wouldn't it be nice if we had a way of addressing together the physical problems and the psychosocial problems because they're going to develop concurrently. and so I think all of us need to keep that in mind when we're facing these challenges because things may just come back to a very reasonable place and you may go ten years before you have other major problems or longer.



I have many patients, I have a patient with this patient has vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome who was in an ICU 30 years ago with terrible crisis and the crisis passed eventually and then done fine for 30 years.



Well, I thought there're a couple of things to that. I mean, I've been learning a lot about anxiety, the mental health part of dealing with having a chronic condition at the complex condition that, you know, progresses over the years.



And two things I wanted to share: one is to learn some coping mechanisms and how to deal with the anxiety before you get that catastrophe because there's like if you practice all the time, then when you get to that part where or something you have one of these big challenges in front of you, you've already practiced dealing with, you know, dealing with things and so even if you don't have something major coming up, you know, start learning about, you know, mindfulness and coping mechanism, so that when something big is happening, you've already practiced it, so I've learned that from our social workers, I also want to sort out and I'll send you guys a link to this.



We are having a quality-of-life webinar. I'm dealing with anxiety and depression in a few weeks and so you'll be able to hear from an expert specifically on that topic, so I'll send that a link for that so you all can get that directly into your email tomorrow.



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