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痛みの管理 ~使われる薬~

Managing Pain




So when thinking about medications, there's lots of different ways to target pain and again oftentimes individuals with chronic pain are experiencing pain because of different signaling pathways in their body and there's probably multiple areas where there's pain, so that could be signaling from the brain and that can be signaling from the tissue area itself.



So in order to address pain, I like to think about it as kind of you're carrying your bucket of water, right? And if you happen to be sold that, the bucket with a lot of holes in it, you can't just put a band-aid on one of those holes and expect the water to stay in the bucket, right? You need to address every single hole and that's how I think about pain management as well. It oftentimes takes a variety of medications that are targeting different pain pathways in our body to be able to effectively manage pain.



And so sometimes those medications are what fall into the class of antidepressants or anticonvulsant medications that are really targeting the pain pathways in the brain, sometimes their local anesthetics, sometimes their medications that can affect our heart rate and our sympathetic nervous system, and sometimes their anti-inflammatory medicines.



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