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痛みの管理 ~認知行動療法~

Managing Pain




So my personal favorite approach to managing chronic pain is technique called cognitive behavioral therapy and for those who are unaware of that, it is a therapy that is revolved around the idea that our thoughts, our feelings, and our behaviors are all connected and intertwined.



So when we feel some way, we might think and do something and if we behave a certain way that can affect our thoughts and feelings.



And the reason I really prefer to start with CBT is because oftentimes patients or individuals really understands that there's things that kind of prohibit us from doing or achieving our goals, right?



So oftentimes it's our feelings, and we may say, "I don't feel like going to the gym today," or "I don't feel like going to that appointment today, but I'll maybe, I'll do it tomorrow." And unfortunately sometimes our feelings can guide us.



However, if we just choose to do things a certain way, oftentimes our feelings and our thoughts about that will change and will be modified by engaging in that.



So, you know, an example would be going to physical therapy a few times a week. If that's something that someone else has recommended to do, even if you don't feel like it, the more you do it, the better you'll, you'll start to feel afterwards.



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