
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。


COVID-19 and Marfan/VEDS/LDS: Your Questions Answered




"If we need to be in the hospital or on a ventilator, do we need higher or lower ventilator pressures?"



You know, that's gonna vary from individual to individual. An intensive care doctor or a pulmonologist is going to be adjusting the settings of the ventilator to achieve the goal of having enough oxygen absorbed into the body, so, you know, the right answer is that they're going to be using the ventilator settings that, that individual requires to have them receive the appropriate level of support.



There's no one right answer; as the disease progresses and increases in severity, ventilator settings might in general will need to go up. As someone recovers, ventilator settings will go down that will not be based upon underlying connective tissue diagnosis but rather will be based upon the individual needs of that person in order to get oxygen into the body, so in general, same management principles apply for people with connective tissue disorders as anyone else.



The only thing that I would add to what Hal said is he's perfect and I think we all forget that Hal was a pediatric intensivist and has trading as anesthesiologist, actually also in addition to all of his other kind of incredible skills.



And one thing that we're finding in the COVID patients is that their lungs are not scarring, that in previous situations with severe viral pneumonias, the lungs that are much more susceptible to these pneumonias, become very scarred and very stiff and that's often why they require very, very high ventilator pressure in order to expand them.



It turns out that with COVID that's not the case, that the lungs are not scarring and but the lungs are not able to transfer oxygen very efficiently to the bloodstream, so the ventilator settings are largely dictated to optimize oxygen delivery and the lungs are fairly compliant. That's a good thing.



What I don't know is whether if you add on to that a diagnosis of a connective tissue disorder, whether the lungs become even more compliant and may need kind of even less kind of ventilator pressure in order to expand, so that's one of the considerations that we have to think about and when we get more data on patients who may require some type of respiratory support and have these underlying conditions, we'll know better as to what types of adjustments need to be made.



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