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COVID-19 and Marfan/VEDS/LDS: Your Questions Answered




"Are there any medications given to treat this virus that patients with connective tissue disorders should not be given?" So we talked about a few of those. Are there anything else that taken to be aware of?



You know, what I would say is be very wary of information that you find on Facebook or on Twitter or on social media because there's a great deal of false information that's being kind of transmitted out there; therapies that are unproven that have no scientific basis. So have a very high degree of skepticism and always check with your physician to find out whether this is true, whether there's any kind of factual basis, underlying an assertion before you even consider kind of using a new medication.



I'll let Hal handle the hydroxychloroquine issue because he's thought about this a great deal.



Okay, so um hydroxychloroquine and as related medication called chloroquine have been around for many decades and are used to treat certain types of infections like malaria and also can be very powerful in the treatment of certain autoimmune disorders such as a condition called lupus.



It's been known for decades that these medications have some antiviral activity. They can impair the ability to copy DNA, which is something that a virus needs to do every time it makes a new copy of itself.



But that really has led to somewhat wild speculation that hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are going to be particularly powerful in treating this particular viral infection. There is some information to suggest that, that these medications can impair the ability of the virus involved in COVID-19 to replicate in a test tube, outside of the body.



But at the current time there is virtually no evidence that these medications have the ability to change the outcome of someone with COVID-19 infection and particularly severe COVID-19 infection.



It's something that warrants study but we need to all take a pause and a big step back and wait for the answers to come because these medications also have significant side effects; they can cause problems particularly problems in the eye but also problems in other parts of the body, so the answer is that we need to wait and get reliable answers.



You may have heard some information about excitement regarding this medication and, you know, then the next night on CNN you'll hear people claiming that this whole issue is solved and debunked and there is no value.



I think the right answer is we need to wait and get good answers and they should be coming fairly soon because of the large number of trials that are going on simultaneously.



I don't know of any particular information about how hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine would affect the heart or cause particular problems in people that are prone to other cardiovascular issues.


You know, if someone has Marfan or Loeys-Dietz or vascular EDS and has an emerging severe COVID-19 infection and it has been definitively proven that these drugs can make a difference, it's really gonna require your individual doctor to make a risk-benefit assessment to say, "is it worth the risk to give this person this medication at this time?" So, you know, I would avoid making any broader recommendation than that.



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