
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

マルファン症候群およびロイス・ディーツ症候群における妊娠・出産 ~大動脈の保護~

Pregnancy Concerns in Marfan Syndrome and Loeys-Dietz Syndrome




So talking about protection of the aorta and then we're going to talk about how we watch the baby as well.



We talked about beta-blockade during pregnancy, so using a beta blocker is safe, we do prefer metoprolol over the other beta blockers like atenolol or propranolol.



We think that metoprolol is the one where the babies have the least risk to become small and so that's why we sort of prefer this medicine. Again if you're on an ACE inhibitor or an, and angiotensin receptor blocker, we want people to be off those medicines before they would get pregnant.



Maternal echocardiogram, so we want to do those, you know, the frequency depends on how worried we are. The minimum is usually every trimester to do an echocardiogram and if we're more worried potentially every four-eight weeks.



Another type of imaging test that we can do during pregnancy, which is safe, is an MRI where we don't use the contrast and the reason we just don't do that is because it concentrates on the baby. It's not necessarily harmful for the baby and in Europe they do use it but we don't in the US but we can still get a pretty good picture of all of your blood vessels if we put you in an MRI scanner during pregnancy without the contrast. So those are the ways we protect your aorta.



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