
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

マルファン症候群、スティックラー症候群、および関連疾患における眼疾患と治療法 ~緑内障の原因~

Eye Issues and Treatment in Marfan Syndrome, Stickler Syndrome, and Other Related Conditions




How do you get the nerve damage? In general population there are many theories. We call them multi factorial disease. I'll just list three, unfortunately all three can occur fairly commonly in glaucoma in Marfan population.



Number one is pressure. Pressure inside the eyes too high intuitively that can directly damage the optic nerve, okay? That's called the pressure etiology.



Second one is vascular etiology. You can see this, the optic nerve, the red color actually here is the blood vessels, really needs, this has very high metabolic rate, really needs a lot of nutrients, oxygens and those blood vessels, they have to properly supply the oxygen, the nutrients and get the the junk, the waste out of the optic nerve. And we know the Marfan patients do have some vascular etiology so that can affect the optic regardless for the pressure is normal or not.



Last thing, this is lower, the close up of the optic nerve and this band is called lamina cribrosa. That is actually part of the connective tissue. Now we know Marfan disease falls in the bigger category called connective tissue disease, so if you can imagine and that connect was not stable, those cables, fibers going through that supporting structure. They're not supported properly, doesn't matter the pressure is high or low, doesn't matter how good your blood supply is. It was strong foundation, support those fiber. You can get a nerve damage. We call that Biomechanical theory.



Unfortunately I said Marfan patient can have all etiologies play at time.



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