
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

マルファン症候群、スティックラー症候群、および関連疾患における眼疾患と治療法 ~乱視~

Eye Issues and Treatment in Marfan Syndrome, Stickler Syndrome, and Other Related Conditions




Astigmatism is again ordinarily no big deal. Somehow I get this quite often. My patient, so they tell me, "Oh, I got this horrible condition called astigmatism." It's just very common condition.



And that, by definition, is that when the light go through on up from the left side, the, when they get to the retina, rather than form a very sharp focal point, gets scattered all along the retina. You still can see you just don't see sharply.



This is what it shows. This a big E, right? Rather than the sharp arms legs of the big E and you see this fuzzy shadowy appearance of the big E. It doesn't matter if you, you know, those patients, they complain, they tell you that, "I can see the road sign. I just don't see well. I'm so close to road sign. I still cannot see well. Some of my friends, they really have to get it close to see clearly. When I get very close, I still don't see well." It's because of astigmatism.



That's actually very common. It can be easily corrected with the contact lenses, with the glasses. That's in general population, okay?



Marfan patient is a little bit a difficult, simply because dislocated lens. If it just called a corneal astigmatism, easy, easy to do, contact lenses, glasses, the cornea and you probably would hear this from your doctor that.



If you look at the cornea on the left side and that that is a we use it the terminology like a basketball, meaning those two meridians they have equal distance. If rather than being a basketball, now you have a football is oval shape. This meridian is big longer than this one. That's corneal astigmatism. Again, can be easily corrected with the glasses.



Marfan patients' astigmatism, it's not just caused by cornea. You have this kind of lenticular astigmatism and you can see this light go through this portion, light goes through this portion. That's where you get really confused.



At this point even though the lens is still clear, there's no cataract at all. This is, there is indication that you need to remove the lens so you can have those patients see better.



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