
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

マルファン症候群、ロイス・ディーツ症候群、血管型エーラス・ダンロス症候群小児の心疾患について ~マルファン症候群とは~

Children's Heart Issues in Marfan, Loeys Dietz, and vEDS - Virtual Symposium Series (4/9/19)




So just briefly, Marfan syndrome, probably the most well-known of the connective tissue conditions, recognized as early as 1896 by French pediatrician Antoine Marfan. He recognized the skeletal features that you can see in this five-year-old girl named Gabrielle, later dislocation of the lens and you can see that the eccentric position of the lens here, was linked with the skeletal abnormalities and then eventually aortic enlargement or aortic aneurysm and a tear or dissection of the aorta became part of the syndrome.



Here's an echocardiogram showing not only a large aortic root aneurysm in a 17 year-old boy with Marfan syndrome but also mitral valve prolapse.



This is a CT scan picture showing a very large aortic aneurysm again in a patient with Marfan syndrome just showing how a CT scan can usually show this aortic structures.



The next slide, if you're a little queasy, might, you might want to close your eyes on but this is the same aneurysm at the time of surgery, so you can see the aorta is very large and the wall of the aorta is very thin.



The next picture is actually going to show that the aortic aneurysm after the surgeon has cut into the aneurysm and you could see, we're looking down into the aortic valve and this tissue here that I'm outlining with my pointer is actually the valve tissue and this here is the wall of the aorta, which really should be attached to this side here, so that the inner lining of the aortic wall has separated from the middle and outer layers of the aorta and that's what a dissection is.



So this is a life-threatening aortic complication that we see in all of our connective tissue conditions and the one that we try to prevent if at all possible.



So Marfan syndrome again is a combination of skeletal findings, eye findings and aortic enlargement.



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