
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

マルファン症候群、ロイス・ディーツ症候群、血管型エーラス・ダンロス症候群小児の心疾患について ~心エコー・CT・MRI~

Children's Heart Issues in Marfan, Loeys Dietz, and vEDS - Virtual Symposium Series (4/9/19)




Let's move on now to imaging techniques. How do we measure the aorta or evaluates a function of valves and the function of the muscle of the heart?



Most commonly we use echocardiography or ultrasound and the names of the tests would be an echocardiogram or a sonogram. This test, which most of you probably have already had or your child has, offers excellent visualization of the hearts, aortic root and all of the blood vessels that are close to the heart. It's less useful for imaging of blood vessels in the head and neck and other parts of the body.



The quality of the imaging by echo is dependent on the age of the patient, the size of the patient, whether or not there are skeletal issues such as a pectus deformities and also patient motion. So, a very mobile toddler, for example, will have less, lower quality imaging than someone who is cooperative and can lay still.



The advantage of echocardiography is that is very widely available, is easy to perform, every most patients can tolerate pretty well, and so echo is is almost always used and it's best for initial diagnosis and ongoing management.



We use CT or computerized tomography because it can give better visualization of all of the blood vessels including peripheral blood vessels, blood vessels in the head and neck, for example, and it's a useful tool when looking for things like tortuosity or dissection or tears and blood vessels beyond the aorta.



The advantage to CT is it's generally widely available, most hospitals do have CT scanners, this exam is very quick. The modern scanners now can do a CT scan in a matter of seconds or even a fraction of a second and it's generally well tolerated



Although the the amount of radiation is much lower in the modern scanners, it does still use radiation and so for children who need repeated serial examinations over many years, we try to avoid radiation and CT as much as possible but in the case of an emergency, for example, when someone presents with chest pain and the question is, "Is there an aortic dissection or not?," the CT scan is the best test.



Then finally, we have MRI. So the MRI scan again basically can give the exact same information as a CT and probably even better information about the heart itself. So we can see blood vessels, look for tortuosity, rule out a dissection with an MRI.



It's not available in every hospital. It does take a lot longer than a CT scan but it doesn't use radiation. So it uses the properties of the body and magnets to image the different tissues. So it is a very useful technique, especially in growing children where the need for serial studies over a long period of time is significant.



So MRI is best for long-term follow-up for looking at peripheral vessels and also when the echo pictures are not adequate to answer all of the questions.



In reality, we use a combination of echo, CT, and MRI over the course of one's lifespan and it's very important that the measurements that we get are done in a very consistent fashion, ideally, in a single center with lots of experience with patients with connective tissue conditions and it's very important to compare to prior studies and follow trends over time.



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