
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

マルファン症候群、ロイス・ディーツ症候群、血管型エーラス・ダンロス症候群小児の心疾患について ~運動について~

Children's Heart Issues in Marfan, Loeys Dietz, and vEDS - Virtual Symposium Series (4/9/19)




In terms of physical activity and exercise, there are many benefits to exercise. We all realize that and I think that exercise can be beneficial to patients with Marfan syndrome, Loeys-Dietz and vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, certainly for the social aspects and some cardiovascular aspects.



But what is really safe for patients with these conditions and how much exercise is safe?



First, we have to realize that whatever recommendations we make should be individualized based on any given person findings so that some people will have a very large aorta and other people will have a normal-sized aorta and so people with bigger aorta should have more restriction and it also will depend on the underlying diagnosis whether it's vascular EDS versus Marfan syndrome or Loeys-Dietz.



And there are also other non-cardiac reasons for restricting activity things like lens dislocation, musculoskeletal problems, lung problems and other cardiac problems not related to the aorta. So as I mentioned, people with very enlarged aortas will generally have more restrictions than people with normal-sized aortas.



I think in terms of a discussing exercise, I would encourage you to think about exercise in a couple different ways: one is the exercise more dynamic involving motion: running, swimming, biking. These kinds of exercise are probably more beneficial for all of us from a cardiovascular standpoint and also associated with a lower increase in mean blood pressure as opposed to more static or as isometric exercise or strength exercise: weightlifting. These are, these are associated with a much higher increase in blood pressure and professional weight lifters have very large increases in blood pressure, which is injurious for the aorta.



So if anything, for people with connective tissue condition I would lean more towards dynamic or motion type of exercise as opposed to strength exercise.



And then the other concept I would differentiate is "Are we doing the exercise or athletics to compete?", "Is it involving very systematic and rigorous training?", " Are we trying to be the best, the fastest, the strongest" or "Are we doing it for fun at a non-competitive level, light to moderate exercise for fitness and fun?"



I think recreational athletics can be applied for most patients and competitive athletics should be avoided.



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