
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

遺伝カウンセラーの役割 ~症例① 5歳男児 マルファン症候群の疑い(1)~

The Role of the Genetic Counselor - Empowerment Series - 3/14/19




All right. Now into a real case example. So the patient we have for case one is a five year-old male, who was referred to our clinic by a pediatrician. His doctor noticed that his height was over the 99th percentile for his age group, so he was very tall, much taller than other children his age and he also had a significant pectus excavatum, so for anyone who might not be familiar with that term, this is actually just an indentation in the breast bone that can, can cause a concave appearance at the chest and we frequently see it in connective tissue disorders.



So these two features together concerted to prompt the pediatricians concerned for possible Marfan syndrome, so he referred his patients to have an echo in an appointment with us at cardiovascular genetics clinic. Next next slide.



So his echocardiogram, which is just an ultrasound of the heart, was completely normal, meaning his aortic dimensions were appropriately-sized for his age and there weren't any signs of mitral valve prolapse. Again for those who might not know enlargement or dilation of the aorta and prolapsing of the mitral valve in the heart are two signs that we frequently look for in our clinic as they're commonly-seen heart findings in connective tissue disorders.



So with a completely normal echocardiogram and two nonspecific physical features, I next needed to take a look at the rest of the family tree to start to search for more clues.



And when I asked about the mother side of the family, her history was completely negative for any concerning findings or diagnosis but when I got to the father side of the history, my father, my suspicions started to peak for a possible connective tissue disorder. Now why is that? So just like our patient, the father has tall stature and pectus excavatum but he also has very long fingers, he's very nearsighted or has myopia, and he reports that his lung spontaneously collapsed when he was a teenager and when you start to think about all these findings happening in one person, this really begins to paint the picture of a connective tissue disorder, but still there's more information we need to get about the rest of the family.



So the dad reports that he has two siblings and that his sister looks just like him, so she's very tall, she also has very long fingers but she's never had an echocardiogram and his father or our five-year-old patient's grandfather had also passed away unexpectedly at the age of 55 from what the family believes and was told was a heart attack but an autopsy was never performed to really concern or to confirm this exact diagnosis. So the family were, also reports that the grandfather looks just like the patient's father and his aunt. Next slide.



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