
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

ゲノム編集と将来のマルファン症候群治療 ~MAP3K4遺伝子について~

CRISPR, Stem Cells, Gene Modifiers – The Future of Marfan Research (August 27 2020) E3 Summit




So fortunately in collaboration with Bart Loeys, Anne De Peapa and Julie DeBacker and others, we've had the good fortune of observing some very large families that are showing this apparent modification.

Bart Loeys医師らの協力もあり、幸運にも、こうした遺伝子修飾がみられる大規模な家系をいくつか調べることができました。


Again individuals shown as blackened symbols have classic and severe Marfan syndrome individuals and these families shown as yellow symbols have the Marfan mutation but do not have vascular disease and then occasionally there are people that again, we're not quite sure what to do with the ones that are shaded gray.



And we went on to use these families to try to identify a gene that's capable of protecting people with Marfan syndrome. So using genetic methods, we were able to find the location of such a gene on human chromosome 6, in a very specific spot on human chromosome 6. And then within this area we looked at the genes that are present and we were able to focus on a specific gene that's called MAP3K4.



The reason why we were excited about that is that that gene is expressed or active in the aorta and that gene makes a protein that's known to activate molecules like ERK or that bad actor that we know causes problems.



We also found that people in these families with severe disease produced more of the protein encoded by this MAP3K4 gene than people in the same family that had mild Marfan syndrome without vascular consequence.



So we went back to our Marfan mice and we simply disrupted one copy of the MAP3K4 gene, remember we're all including mice have two copies of every gene. We just knocked out or disrupted one copy of the MAP3K4 gene and found that that was sufficient to completely prevent an aneurysm in the mice that had a Marfan mutation.



If you had the Marfan mutation and you had two functioning copies of this MAP3K4 gene, you had big aneurysms. If you eliminated one copy of that gene, you could prevent the aneurysm from forming and you could also completely normalize the level of ERK activation, which you can see using this specific technique by these very dark bands on this gel that ERK is highly active in Marfan syndrome but not excessively activated in Marfan mice that were missing one copy of this MAP3K4 gene.



So it's telling us that MAP3K4 may be a very exciting target for drug therapy.



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