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ゲノム編集と将来のマルファン症候群治療 ~ERK抑制遺伝子~

CRISPR, Stem Cells, Gene Modifiers – The Future of Marfan Research (August 27 2020) E3 Summit




We also found that losartan is tremendously protective even in these 129 mice, so it completely prevented aneurysms from forming and completely prevented excessive
ERK activation. But the same was true of a drug that blocks ERK. It also prevented aneurysms from forming and greatly reduced the level of ERK activation.



So, you know, this left us thinking, boy oh boy, it would be really exciting to understand what genes on the protected BL6 background are responsible for limiting the level of ERK activation and protecting these mice for a full lifetime.



So Jeff Doyle and Alex Doyle in the lab use genetic techniques and it turns out that it's only two locations on two different chromosomes that are responsible for protection of BL6 mice: one on mouse chromosome 5; another region on mouse chromosome 11. By a wide variety of methods we've now narrowed it down to two genes: one called Mmp17 known to regulate ERK activation; another one called Map2k6, which is known to be in the same pathway as Map3k4, the human modifier.

この疑問に対し、私の研究室所属のJeff DoyleとAlex Doyleの2人が、遺伝子学的手法を用いることで、マウスの5番染色体と11番染色体の一部の領域のみが、BL6マウスの保護に関与していることを突き止め、様々な方法を用いることにより、その領域に含まれる2つの遺伝子を特定することができました。1つ目は、Mmp17とよばれる遺伝子で、ERKの活性を調節しています。もう一つは、Map2k6で、ヒトの修飾遺伝子であるMap3k4と同じ経路に存在することが知られています。


So using two different species this has collapsed onto the identical pathway, really suggesting that we're onto something important.



We found that if you knock out, if you inactivate just these two genes Map2k6 and Mmp17, you could make a predisposed Marfan mouse that would otherwise have a huge aneurysm to behave just like the fully protected BL6 mice just by inactivating those two genes.



Also in activating just those two genes was sufficient to completely normalize the level of ERK activation in the aortic wall.



So, you know, I think that the evidence is about as good as you can get from a genetic standpoint and from a biochemical standpoint to say that these are the mouse modifier genes.



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