
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。


Keeping Your Spine, Limbs, and Feet Healthy in Marfan and Related Conditions




And also Dr. Bitterman, any suggested brands for women, who have long thin Marfan feet other than New Balance? Apparently New Balance is popular but any other brands that you know for new patients?

細長い足のマルファン女性におすすめの靴のブランドはありますか?New Balance以外でお願いします。


So New Balance is popular because it's very accommodating, so it's got an open toe shoe. It comes in different lengths, comes in different widths. The other brands that are similar or Saucony and BROOKS. ASICS is also another good one and they have a good sole.

New Balanceは、つま先の広い靴、長さや幅の異なる靴などバリエーションが豊富なので人気があります。似たようなブランドとしてはSauconyやBROOKSがあります。ASICSは良いソールを使っていますので、こちらも良いブランドです。


And again no financial disclosures related to them but another shoe while on the topic of shoes, Eileen, if I may I know that, Nordstrom. They provide two separate sized shoes without having to buy two pairs depending on the size differential, so those who have different size shoes definitely look into Nordstrom's because that can be beneficial.



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