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歯科とマルファン症候群 ~交叉咬合~

Dental Concerns of Marfan Syndrome (Virtual Medical Symposium Series - 01-16-2020)





Related to that is something called a posterior crossbite. You have a narrow palate and you have the upper teeth that kind of sit on the inside of the lower teeth when you bite down, which is not a proper alignment or arrangement of the teeth, that is called a posterior crossbite.



And so an example of a narrow vaulted palate is shown here. What I do want to say is oftentimes you don't see people with this very specific deeply vaulted palate but this is a more extreme example.



"Does a vaulted palate mean you're going to have a dental crossbite?" Oftentimes it is correlated and why do we care about a crossbite because one of the bigger questions that people always ask is, "Do I need to get this expansion now and why?"



Well, a crossbite could be because your upper jaw is too small, not just because the teeth are not arranged properly and if you address it while the face and jaws are still developing, you are in going to be in a better situation. If you do not, it can cause, as you develop, the jaw to shift to one side, lopsided jaw growth, which in sort of medical terms would be asymmetry and this could cause a wearing down of the outer layer of enamel, of the outer layer of the tooth, which is called enamel, so that may be why some people know that they have enamel, that's wearing.



But a crossbite quite simply is when the upper teeth are on the inside of the lower teeth and that is something that again we want to fix sooner rather than later.


And yes, you may often be told that you need to have expansion for the reasons cited before that we don't want to have that individual developed as an adult with these problems that will manifest perhaps even the jaw problems that we might find for people who have Marfan syndrome and joint laxity.



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