
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

新型コロナウイルス感染症と大動脈疾患についての最新研究 ~高リスク肺疾患について~

Covid and Aortic Conditions: The Latest Research




So to get started, let's, you know, tackle the question about who is at high risk of bad outcomes if they get COVID-19. So having Marfan, LDS or vEDS or most of the other genetic aortic conditions really doesn't put you at a higher risk for a bad outcome with COVID-19.



However, there are those high risk categories that may put you at a higher risk and those of you that, that is if you have certain lung conditions and so Enid Neptune is our pulmonologist and she's going to go over some of these lung conditions listed here briefly.



Great, thank you Joe and so the the important point to understand in terms of which lung conditions place you at a high risk is the idea of pulmonary reserve, or the reserve in your breathing capacity that you have.



And most people who don't have any underlying lung disease have what we call a great deal of pulmonary reserve and that means that if you get like a pneumonia or you get some major allergic reaction or you have some inhaled toxic exposure, that you may get somewhat symptomatic but you're not going to be so compromised that you wind up needing to be hospitalized or you need supplemental oxygen or you need to have ICU care or at the most extreme you need to be placed on a ventilator.



So the conditions that we're listing here are those underlying conditions that may or may not be related to the Marfan, Loeys-Dietz, vEDS or other disorders but that reduce your underlying pulmonary reserve.



And those include first restrictive lung disease and this reflects a reduced capacity to take a deep breath in and it's usually revealed on pulmonary function testing and we see this in patients who have severe scoliosis or severe pectus deformities and this is not something that would be reflected in mild impairment on pulmonary function testing but very significant impairment.



Emphysema is what we often see in patients who have neonatal Marfan syndrome in which you have deterioration of the tissue in the lungs, which can result in kind of large holes or what we call bulla or blebs in the lungs and this again will reduce the overall lung tissue and therefore will reduce your pulmonary reserve.



A significant number of our patients also have coexistent asthma, especially those with Loeys-Dietz, but the, the type of asthma that we're concerned about and that places you on a high risk group is asthma that requires chronic medication where you have to use an inhaler every day or you have to use what we call systemic steroids or steroids peel, steroid pills on a frequent basis. And lastly if you've had asthma flares that require hospitalization, that puts you in a high risk asthma group.



COPD either caused by chronic smoking history of smoking or that's an extension of underlying Marfan syndrome or other disorders that also places you at high risk.



Now respiratory insufficiency can reflect any or all of these conditions if severe enough and often will reflect the combination of these different conditions.



And lastly recurrent pneumothoraces and that's because as I tell all my patients with pneumothoraxis is that when you have each event, you lose some pulmonary tissue that can be replaced by scar. So with a number of these types of events you're losing the reserve that we talked about and that's what places you at a higher risk if you have a COVID-19 infection.



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