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新型コロナウイルス感染症と大動脈疾患についての最新研究 ~高リスク心血管疾患について~

Covid and Aortic Conditions: The Latest Research




So now we're going to call upon Dr. Kim Eagle, our cardiologist here, to go over some of the cardiovascular issues that may put you at high risk. Kim?



Thank you, Joe and it's it's a delight for me to have the chance to to be part of this webinar tonight and to be involved in teaching about COVID and the heart and the aorta. You know, I've been involved in aortic research for 37 years. I've never encountered in my lifetime a foe like COVID with all of the uncertainty that we've had about the virus and what its effects might be and remarkably almost a year later from kind of the discovery it's dramatic how much we've learned, yet there's still so much that we don't know and many of you will ask very specific questions unique to you or your family that we try the best we can to answer but may not yet be known based on the science that we have.



Much like Enid said, currently the data would suggest that the type of heart disease that might make you at risk for a more severe outcome with COVID infection has to do with reserve.



And so if you have significant aortic valve regurgitation or mitral valve regurgitation, severe enough to be causing a problem that is congestion or the need to take medications to try to deal with that, then that probably is a patient who under the stress of COVID would have a higher risk of a complication.



Similarly patients who have heart failure either from a weak heart muscle or potentially a stiff heart muscle. These would be patients who are thought to be at higher risk to handle a more serious COVID infection.



Hypertension also appears to be a marker of risk and of course many of these patients have developed a thickening of the heart muscle and/or perhaps some degree of kidney function abnormalities related to hypertension and both of those would make a person with a more severe infection at higher risk for a complication.



There's some evidence perhaps that a unique group of patients with ACT2 mutations that would be children and young adults with alterations in the arginine 179 might be affected and this is a group that have smooth muscle dysfunction syndrome.



I want to make sure you notice that there's no, there's no line here for aortopathy. We do not currently believe that genetic aortopathy represents a very high risk condition and there's been speculation that the kind of inflammatory response we see from COVID might rev up a genetic aortopathy but we're not seeing that in the literature and in fact Joe sent out to our scientific advisory group, "What has been your experience with patients that you've been following in your clinics with COVID?" and we've not seen a signal of great concern that an aorta's going to expand or dissect in the midst of COVID.



I have a 93-year-old physician, who I care for, who has an aortopathy and he sailed through a COVID infection. His aorta did not grow, it did not tear, so I think I'm heartened to say at least right now and there have been tens of thousands of patients studied. We've not seen a signal that would make younger patients with genetic aortopathy a particularly high risk condition, Joe?



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