
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。


Covid and Aortic Conditions: The Latest Research




There's a general COVID question but can one of you speak to neurological issues caused by COVID?



Oh, I could handle that and COVID can cause a kind of a battery of different neurologic problems. One of the issues that we didn't bring up is the fact that it's very commonly causing kind of what we call a coagulopathy where you get blood clots in many organs and many sites in the body and that's why one of the standard practices for patients who are hospitalized with COVID especially if they require ICU care is for them to be placed on blood thinning medicines and so one of the potential complications that we can see are kind of small strokes in patients. We're, we're also seeing kind of permutations of kind of chronic fatigue syndrome, kind of chronic psychiatric decompensations that are associated with COVID.



What we're, what we're not seeing is we're not seeing a meningitis or encephalitis or specific inflammation of the brain or the spinal cords as part of the spectrum of the disease, but I think the stroke syndromes are the manifestations that we're most concerned about.



I don't know if Kim has had a different experience with it.


Well, I think you're right and I think once the sort of the hyper coagulability notion was raised the, the use of anticoagulants in a more routine basis for people in the hospital has probably led to a reduction in that phenomenon.



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