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結合組織疾患の大動脈基部手術について ~血管の構造~

Aortic Root Surgery in Connective Tissue Conditions - Surgery Series (2/10/21)




I know that many of you in the audience, of course, understand the aorta but just to quickly review the anatomy. I think it's important to understand we talk about the aorta and segments and the focus of the conversation today is going to be about the very first segment of the aorta.



The aortic root is the shortest segment of the aorta but also one of the most complex segments because it's where the aortic valve lives and where the coronary arteries arise and of course it's the location where we most commonly see aneurysms in patients with connective tissue disorders.



I'm also going to do a quick review here on this picture on the left the histology review and again, you know, if I'm getting too scientific I apologize, just ignore me for a second. If you have questions I'd love to talk about it earlier. What I love about my connective tissue disorder patients is they're often just super knowledgeable about what's going on and I think that's really important to put your mind at ease and to help each other take care of you better is to improve the knowledge and that helps with, I think, quelling fear a bit.



So what I like to say is that the aortic, the aorta and all the blood vessels in our body are like a three-ply hose and we have these three layers, the adventitia, the really tough layer on the outside, we've got this media, or that middle layer where there's a lot of communication and a lot of the really complex function of that organ occurs and a lot of the maintenance of the aorta and the vessels occurs and then, there's the endothelium or the intimal layer. That's the smooth layer that interacts with blood with atherosclerotic disease like coronary artery disease and plaque.



We see a lot of that involves sort of those inner layers but with degenerative diseases like aneurysm and dissection we see the problem occurs in that middle layer.



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