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結合組織疾患の大動脈基部手術について ~大動脈解離B型~

Aortic Root Surgery in Connective Tissue Conditions - Surgery Series (2/10/21)




Well, what about beyond the root?



Dr. Crawford, who is one of the real pioneers from Houston, who taught, learned and taught how to fix the more downstream portions of the aorta like the thoracic, abdominal aortas, said that no patient should be considered cured of aortic dissection.



And we know that even after you have a prophylactic operation on your aortic root sometimes patients will still come back with a new dissection, not the dissection of the part that's then replaced, thank goodness, that's the most dangerous portion of the aorta that's at risk for rupture but in the downstream aorta you can still develop a type B dissection.



We looked at a series of our patients. This is unpublished but we had this collected this data. We found several patients who had a new dissection after having their ascending aorta replaced but it was only a small proportion of our patients in our series, less than one or two percent. Many of the patients had their surgery elsewhere so I don't know the denominator exactly but we know that risk is relatively low but still very real so it's important to monitor things like your blood pressure and get imaging on a regular basis.



If you have had a dissection the story is a little different. If you've had a dissection that's affected downstream parts of your aorta you will be at risk for having a re-operation on that aorta, a significant risk 15 times the risk as if the downstream aorta wasn't dissected.



We looked at patients in our center, who had surgery within a downstream, patients with connective tissue disorder who had surgery beyond their aortic root. We looked at 121 of these patients out of the 527 during that period of time, who had connective tissue disorder where their repair extended beyond the left subclavian artery.

結合組織疾患をお持ちで、Cleveland Clinicで大動脈基部より先の部位の手術を受けた方を対象とした研究を行いました。1996~2012年の間に心血管系の手術を受けた527名のうち、対象者は121名おり、左鎖骨下動脈まで置換が必要だった方もいらっしゃいました。


The majority of them were chronic dissections. There were a few that did have aneurysms. They were relatively young. Most of their first operations were open but the patients did okay.



The mortality was two and a half percent. Stroke rate was two and a half percent and there were no patients with spinal cord injury in this group and so, you know, it's something that we can do well.



When we followed these patients interestingly a lot of these patients needed additional interventions. Fifteen percent of them needed two or more interventions.



Some of these were open, of course, you can see the picture on the right is a picture of an open focal abdominal aneurysm repair. It's a long section of the aorta from the top of the chest down into the pelvis with branch reconstruction of all these other vessels.



But a lot of these things can be treated endovascularly as well and endovascular treatments, I think, are very reasonable and complementary to open surgery even in patients with connective tissue disorder as long as we understand the limitations of that technology.



What we saw was that there was about a 60 percent risk at six years for patients who had a connective tissue disorder that had a single operation to go on and need some additional operations down the road.



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