
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

Marfan関連疾患におけるCOVID最新情報 ~J&Jワクチン(3)~

COVID-19 Update for the Marfan, Loeys-Dietz, and VEDS Community




So does that mean the vaccine is unsafe? No, that does not mean the vaccine is unsafe


So the number that you need to remember is that there were 15 cases of clotting and it's a specific type of clotting that they observe so this was clotting in the central nervous system and it was observed in 15 cases among 8 million people who had received the J & J vaccine and what that tells you is that it's extremely rare.



But there were some features of the persons who developed this type of clotting reaction: one, they were young and two, they were women and so one of the concerns that the FDA is going to have, going forward is to determine whether very, very young women need to have certain precautions when they receive the J & J vaccine. They may not, this may not be something that represents a significant enough precaution that it's a warning, however, that is one of the signals that they are going to follow up with and they're going to pursue.



But what we should be is very, very reassured that an event that was so uncommon. Again 15 cases in 8 million doses was observed by the FDA and a pause was placed in order to determine whether that was a much more serious issue than it initially seemed and so what you can be assured of is that there are no events that are even more common than that event that have not been recognized and have not been pursued by the FDA. This could be viewed as almost a test situation that shows that the system is actually working.



So if you've already gotten the J & J vaccine the question is what should you do? Nothing. Basically unless you're experiencing specific side effects that would suggest that you're having one of these clotting events and those include a severe headache or abdominal pain, difficulty breathing or swollen legs within the first two or three weeks after being vaccinated you should have no worries at all.



These events have no relationship with whether you're getting protective immunity and the lack of these events should not worry anyone that they're not getting protective immunity.



So the idea is that we know that this will be pursued by the FDA and they will follow up and in the next several months. I'm certain that you're going to get more data about the number of cases that they've identified subsequent to this first pause.



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