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COVID-19 Update for the Marfan, Loeys-Dietz, and VEDS Community




In Canada they are delaying the second vaccine for Pfizer and Moderna for four months, up to four months. Is it risky for conditions that have cardiac, that have cardiac implications such as artificial valves or atrial fibrillation?



I, I think the the highest risk would be not receiving this second dose at all and our current recommendations of course are to receive them within the 21 or 28 day window but we certainly recommend that if people have not received the second dose within that time frame that they go ahead and try to receive that second dose at a subsequent point in time. There's, there's no reason to believe that there's no enhanced efficacy with see, with, receiving the dose, the second dose even if it's delayed.



So I think that the issue in Canada was an issue of vaccine availability and I think that that will probably be resolved but I would not worry about the delay in receiving the second dose. It's much more important that we make sure that everyone at least receives the first dose and that when the second dose is available that people are willing and energized to receive it.



Great, thank you.


Let me just expand on that if I could, Joe. This, this is really a, an example of sort of competing priorities where, where we knew that the efficacy after a single dose of these vaccines was pretty good and probably good enough to prevent serious infection and, and death from, from the virus. In this country we've, we've taken an approach which I happen to agree with that we would follow the way the vaccines were developed and administered for both efficacy and safety but in places where the availability is much, much less, there are, there are examples where taking a more population-based approach is not unreasonable and this was entertained as, you know, in the United Kingdom, certainly in Canada. There are many countries that have not even started vaccinating citizens in the world.



And so I think it's important that we recognize the first dose of these vaccines is highly effective in preventing serious infection and the second dose really pushes you up into that mid 95 percent and almost 100 percent in terms of death or needing a ventilator and so forth.



But there are going to continue to be these questions out there because every nation is in a different place financially as well as with the surge in their country and one dose of any vaccine is a huge, huge help to an individual.



Okay, Joe, could I just add one thought? The, the rationale that Dr. Eagle presented is precisely the one that shows that the J&J vaccine has a very important place in the armamentarian because that is as of now our only one-and-done vaccine and so if there are any concerns that develop about people's kind of interest or hesitancy about receiving that second dose the only way that we can aggressively resolve that is by making a one-and-done vaccine available and kind of making sure the public understands kind of the, the limited, the incredibly limited concerns about these potential kind of complications so that's why, you know, we don't want to overhype the, the pause because this the J&J vaccine is exquisitely safe and has a role to play in our armamentarian team to treat COVID.



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