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大動脈手術後の生活についてのオンライン座談会 ~手術からの回復(医師の解説)~

Personal Perspectives Panel: Life After Aortic Surgery




Everybody sounds pretty similar. David, what do you tell patients about what to expect and what they can do to help their recovery?



So, so I think, you know, this is very typical and I think what the, the point is that everybody's talking about fatigue, right? and that's what I tell a lot of my patients is that. You know, you know, and we can ask the panelists what their thoughts about pain. People worry about pain but it's really not what most people experience afterwards. I mean, it hurts obviously the first day, you know, and you're kind of sore.



But what's different is tired, right? and that's what I tell people to expect and it comes back gradually, especially the first two weeks, right? The first two weeks are really tough, you know, and then and then after that things get started, getting better pretty quick and I tell people by six weeks they're feeling like, you know, pretty good but they don't have the normal stamina and it's really sort of that three to four month period time frame when people start to feel like "Okay, I 'm, you know, nor, "normal,"" right?



And then so that's why I usually tell people, you know, and, and the biggest thing is like I think as Dominga said is having a purpose and getting out and doing stuff, right? and, and that's what we really push and then, you know, I'm sure you remember Dr. Miller telling you, "45 minutes twice a day," right? or three times a day actually, and, and it's really about getting out there and walking.



And now what I tell a lot of people is that after surgery, okay, think of getting better as your job, okay? That's task number one, right? That means, you know, exercising, eating, and sleeping, okay? and the goal is to get you better as quick as possible. If you focus on those things, okay? then you'll get your energy back as quick as possible whereas some people try to get back a little too early and what happens then is the whole recovery process drags on and then just gets tougher whereas if you just focus, "Okay, I'm going to work on getting anything back," you know, especially young people, it makes a difference, you know.



I'm surprised you did as well as you did, Lauren, because being prepared for it actually makes a difference. I've noticed that people who have emergent surgery have a tougher time afterwards, certainly psychologically it's tougher but then also even physically it seems like it takes more effort. I don't know what did you think, Lauren.



Yeah, it was definitely I would say it was more of an emotional journey because it was though I had emergency surgery and then I found out I had Loeys-Dietz syndrome and then I found out, "Oh, you actually have other aneurysms that you may need surgery on," and so I was like, "Wait, what? when I had no like no symptoms of anything, no indication of anything."



So if I would say probably the emotional journey for me was probably a couple years, so probably two years to feel like, "Okay, I actually kind of got a handle on what just happened to me," but, you know, physical recovery, you know, being tired that sort of thing I was exactly what you were saying where it was like, "I just want to get back to normal. I just like checked off the list, like let's move on. I don't need to worry about this anymore" and yeah, your body definitely tells you when, when it's time to stop.



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