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大動脈手術後の生活についてのオンライン座談会 ~手術後の運動(医師の解説)~

Personal Perspectives Panel: Life After Aortic Surgery




I want to go to David for the next question. A lot of people asked about going back to exercise after their operation and after recovery or during recovery or what could they can do and so before I ask you guys, you know, about your lives I wanted to David first start talking about like, "What do you recommend after people's surgery?" "What can, what can they resume?" "Do they still have the same limitations?" Lots and lots of questions from everybody about this.



Sure, you know, it depends a little bit on the condition, Marfan syndrome versus Loeys-Dietz syndrome versus vascular EDS. It also depends on whether you've had a dissection or not and what the residual aorta looks like because that, you know, determines your level of risk.



But let's assume you have a prophylactic or replacement surgery and you have Marfan syndrome, okay? So the risk of having a subsequent downstream aneurysm or a dissection is still there but a lot less, right?



So generally I'll liberalize things, I mean, there's the immediate recovery period, I mean, obviously the initial period of protecting the sternum, you know, the first six weeks and such and then after that in terms of, you know, getting out walking for the longer term, you know, obviously relaxing but we tell people still don't go crazy, you're not superman. We did not, we did not build your aorta out of kryptonite or whatever, whatever we do, so, so but I will liberalize things.



And then, you know, certainly, you know, in the period leading right up to surgery, we tend to be very, very aggressive with, with medications in terms of, you know, we usually have the blood pressure just high enough so you can stand upright without fainting, right? So we usually back off on that a little bit and let you have a little more blood flow to your brain, okay?



Loeys-Dietz is obviously a little bit more challenging and there's a whole range because some Loeys-Dietz mirror more like Marfan syndromes, some are have a little bit more fragile vasculature.



And so I will probably keep the medication going a little bit more with my Loeys-Dietz patients and I probably, you know, I still will liberalize some because obviously the aortic root is, is the most deadly portion and so once you've got that fixed, you know, you know, if we get an aneurysm afterwards or dissection, fortunately you usually don't just drop that, which is good, which is good, so we, you know, and we have to balance life versus, you know, protecting you and balancing the quality of your life.



So generally we'll relax that. I still probably adhere to the general rule of, you know, moderate mild to moderate aerobic exercise, no heavy lifting that involves any straining, you know, I usually define that by, you know, if you can do it 20 times in a row without straining at the last rep you're probably okay. If you have to strain the 20 well lower the weights, okay?



And then so, you know, this is general guidelines and when it's always a negotiation, right? because we have to weigh, you know, what you like to do, what your desires are, your quality of life versus, you know, you know, risks your aorta and everybody's different and that balance is quite different to everybody and that's something that, you know, you should discuss that with your cardiologist or your cardiac surgeon and figure out, okay, what's a reasonable balance for you and where you are.



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