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開胸・開腹術による胸腹部大動脈の修復 ~大動脈解離の分類法~

Open Thoracoabdominal Repair: Surgery Series (2/16/21)




Aortic dissection comes in a variety of different classifications. There's two classifications. There we go by one is the DeBakey classification, which my particular part of the country we sort of lean towards but we also understand the Stanford classification.



In the DeBakey Type I and the Stanford A the ascending aorta, the arch, and the thoracoabdominal aorta are all involved in the dissection. That's a DeBakey type I or a Stanford type A aortic dissection. Schematically you can see here, it takes place after the roots were replaced and then the dissection later is managed with a repair, which I'll show you later.



Sometimes patients with Marfan syndrome the aortic root is not their initial problem but it's dissection and we call it a Type III DeBakey or a Type B Stanford dissection where the dissection extends from the left subclavian downward involving the descending and thoracoabdominal aorta and the DeBakey is broken up into a DeBakey IIIa and a DeBakey IIIb where the whole thoracoabdominal segment is involved.



This is what it looks like on CT scans. I don't think we need to, to dwell on this but it's just to let you know that this is a CT scan, which shows a true and a false lumen in the ascending as well as in the descending so that we know that it's a Stanford A or a DeBakey type I.



This is an interesting subclassification. A DeBacy type II where only the ascending aorta's involved so on the CT scan you can see there's a true and a false lumen and an aneurysm of the ascending but the descending is not dissected.



For a Stanford B or DeBakey Type III ascending, although enlarged, is not dissected. Only the descending portion, thoracoabdominal portion, is dissected and you can tell these on CT scans and MRI scans.



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