
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

開胸・開腹術による胸腹部大動脈の修復 ~マルファン症候群と大動脈手術~

Open Thoracoabdominal Repair: Surgery Series (2/16/21)




Most patients with Marfan syndrome undergoing actually thoracoabdominal repair have usually had a prior replacement of the aortic root, not always but the majority of them have had their roots replaced when they were in a younger age and they develop a dissection later or the root is replaced as part of an acute dissection operation where all of the aorta is dissected and the third abdominal portion is treated at a later stage as it increases in size.



When we compare patients with Marfan syndrome who have aortic dissection to non-Marfan syndrome their yearly aortic diameter growth rate is faster and quicker, they enlarge at a greater pace than patients who do not have connective tissue disorders.



Regretfully and although we've had great success with this, patients who have extensive aortic dissection and Marfan syndrome it can affect their long-term survival.



"This stands to reason that acute aortic dissection predicts the need for an emergent operation along with lifetime surveillance and the need for multiple procedures, both of which are linked to lower long-term survival." Careful monitoring and successful operation lead to an improved long-term survival.



Now as a consequence of all this you might imagine that many patients with Marfan syndrome require one or more more than one operation on the aorta. This is from a group of 300 patients that I had taken care of and 70 percent of these patients needed more than one repair. You can see here that 38 percent required two operations, 115, but we had a few patients out here that required four, five, six and one patient even with, with, with eight, up eight operations. Five, six, seven, eight operations, of course, is extremely rare.



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