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開胸・開腹術による胸腹部大動脈の修復 ~ステントグラフト~

Open Thoracoabdominal Repair: Surgery Series (2/16/21)




I'm going to end by just mentioning endovascular stent grafting with regards to the aorta because we hear so much about it these days.



The guidelines on the left, European and on the right, of the US clearly state that endovascular repair in patients with Marfan syndrome is not recommended except as a rescue measure to bridge an acute situation where the patient's life is at risk to bridge that to an open repair.



So it does have some use but it's not a permanent fix. Endovascular repair has radial force on a aorta, which is not of normal strength and so the combination of that doesn't lead to a permanent fix.



In the European report from EACTS by Grabenwoger just a few years ago, TEVAR is not recommended in patients with connective tissue disease except as a bailout procedure or a bridge to definitive open surgical therapy and as a procedure following prior aortic repair where both landing zones lie within previously cited or situated prosthetic grafts, and I'll show you that here in a second.



First of all here's a patient that we saw, who had acute aortic dissection, a stent graft was placed in the descending thoracic aorta here and the diameter of the descending thoracic aorta was six centimeters. Three weeks later it had dilated almost 10 centimeters. We operated on this patient as an open repair, took care of this problem for this patient but it just underscores that it's not a durable repair in many, many circumstances.



But as Grabenwoger said if you've got Dacron above and Dacron below you can use an endovascular stent graft to span the distance between the two and have strong landing zones on either end and seal the problem in between.



Here's a patient that we had that had a root replacement of Bentall and arch replacement, thoracoabdominal repair and for some reason there was some separation of the grafts and created this pseudo-aneurysm. We went in and put an endovascular stent graft. We landed within dacron on both ends, seal this aneurysm and it solved the problem without having to do an open re-operation. We've done this many, many times.



Here's an example of where I showed you before where we had reattachment of intercostal arteries to an opening we made in the graft. Most of the time this doesn't dilate, most of the time when it dilates it does a rupture but these can’t happen.



First of all I want to point out that, you keeps jumping around, first of all I want to point out that these intercostal arteries, they actually stay patent when we reattach them this way but this is enlarged and we were worried about a rupture.



So what we did was is we put an endovascular stent graft here landing in Dacron above, Dacron below and we seal this off. Using CSF drainage and blood pressure monitoring we've done this and a number of patients now and we've never had a patient who've had paraplegia. They get enough collateral circulation, etc. that apparently it's not a problem but having those intercostals patent at the first operation gets them through to the point within a chronic situation. You can do this and not end up with paraplegia.



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