
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。


Open Thoracoabdominal Repair: Surgery Series (2/16/21)



Does the relative size of the true and false lumen have any impact on surgical thresholds and surgical outcomes?



Outcomes, no. Thresholds, somewhat. Not in Marfan patients but there, there was a description by a gentleman from Korea a number of years ago and there's been a number of papers since then that look at the true lumen and its relative size to the false limit and the, the greater the discrepancy the chances of the false lumen expanding faster and being at greater risk prompts us to operate on, operate a little bit earlier.



His initial thought was that if the false channel was two and a half centimeters or greater that it probably wasn't going to get better. There are many patients, not so many with Marfan, but, but many patients with aortic dissection with a false lumen just sort of thrombosis off, scars in their aorta doesn't dilate very much and they, just, they go 20 years that way.



But Marfan patients have a tendency to be on the the other side of that coin and dilate up slowly over time and need, need to have something something done about it.



What about patients with Loeys-Dietz syndrome and vEDS? Have you done this operation on them?

Loeys-Dietz症候群やVascular Ehlers-Danlos症候群(vEDS)の患者さんではどうでしょうか?手術経験はございますか?


Yeah, yeah just like the ascending aorta where our threshold size wise is lower than Marfan, the same goes for the descending thoracic and thoracic abdominal aorta. They're very greater risk of bad things happening at a, a, in a smaller diameter, so we're more likely to intervene where the aortic size is, is not as large.



Are, the, are the complications different, especially like in vEDS, they have a lot of other, you know, large organ problems, so is that..



No, not really, not really.



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