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大動脈弓手術について ~大動脈弓手術の変遷~

Surgery Series: Aortic Arch (2/22/21)




So of course we have to talk about history and the first arch aneurysm resection was actually in 1950 in Paris. It was a 20 year old girl, who came in they thought she had tuberculosis because she had a mass that was protruding on her chest. They stuck a needle in it and it actually had blood, so the surgeon said, "Well, we'll take her to the operating room and see what we can do," and they resected that aneurysm. They didn't use a heart lung machine. They really just put clamps on the bottom, resected it and then oversold it. In the operative note it says they were actually surprised that she made it.



Well, obviously a lot has happened since 1950 and Dr. Debakey down in Texas actually did the first ascending and arch replacement. He did that with two homographs so cadaveric aortic tissue and he actually used separate cerebral perfusion. Cerebral meaning brain so he actually perfused the brain all the way back in 1957.



Kind of the next major advance was in 1968 with Dr. Bloodwell where he'd not only perfuse the different brain segments but he actually reimplanted all three of those arch vessels as an island and I'll show pictures of that later.



But really the, the biggest contribution was in 1975 with Dr. Griepp where circulatory arrest was really advanced. It had been done before obviously but Dr. Griepp really advanced that and I'm going to show you a slide later on where we talk about that.



And then in 1983 Dr. Borst fashioned the elephant trunk procedure and we'll go through pictures of that.



These are kind of some of the major advances in arch surgery.



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