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大動脈弓手術について ~大動脈解離A型の標準的修復法~

Surgery Series: Aortic Arch (2/22/21)




So I'd say can, for conventional type A repair when we look at the data from the STS most surgeons are really doing a supra-coronary anastomosis and then what we call a open distal, in the distal ascending aorta or a hemiarch procedure where you're going underneath the arch. When you're doing this under open conditions you need to use what we call circulatory arrest that we'll discuss later.

大動脈解離A型に対する標準的な修復法について、STSデータベースから得られたデータを使って説明します。ほぼすべての外科医が、冠動脈起始部の上側で吻合を行い、もう片方の吻合はopen distal法を用いるか(a)、弓部の一部を人工血管に置き換えるhemiarch置換(b)を行います。大動脈を開放した状態で手術を行う場合には循環停止が必要となりますが、これについては後ほど説明します。


Obviously this is not the operation we would recommend for any patient with connective tissue disorder and especially the Marfan's patients. With the Marfan's patients what we've realized that the aortic root should be addressed and when it's not addressed Dr.Bavaria has got a great paper out there that showed 40 percent of patients had to come back for reintervention on their aortic root.



And so when that root is performed at the time of surgery Dr. Roselli did a great talk a couple weeks ago and your options at the time of emergency surgery you can have a composite valve graft with either a mechanical valve, a composite valve graft that you can build with a tissue valve or now there's another product out there that's already built in or a valve sparing aortic root procedure still done in the emergency setting but more commonly done in the elective setting.



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