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大動脈弓手術について ~基部置換初回手術での大動脈弓全置換に関する研究①~

Surgery Series: Aortic Arch (2/22/21)




So one of the questions that kind of comes around in our surge-community is "Should surgeons address the aortic arch at the time of the first operation?" or the index operation. We're going to go through three studies. I promise you we're not going to go in detail. It's not my style but I think it is important because it helps guide what we do as surgeons.



The first is from Dr. Carrell and his French colleagues where they investigated whether total arch replacement during initial surgery should be performed routinely and now this is for a prophylactic root aneurysm so not emergencies and so they did a retrospective analysis. They looked at 94 patients who had 148 aortic surgeries in a 16-year period so that means 94 patients, some of them were getting more than one or some times two operations.



So for primary total arch how many times was this done in an elective root only 1.6 percent of the time but when the patient presented with an aortic dissection 8 percent of the patients got a total arch.



When patients came back for secondary procedures and they got a total arch. The mean time was usually about eight years, give or take six and then of that how many had elective roots, three percent and then but how many had initially aortic dissection as their presentation, 33 percent of patients so the dissection patients came back for total arches later where only three percent of elective root surgeries came back.



So the conclusion from this study when you're a Marfan's patient and you're undergoing an elective root repair there's no need to do a total arch at that time. Now once again these are guidelines and for all the listeners out there each patient's a little bit different so I don't want this, you know, you to, you know, be mad at your surgeon if they did a total arch, you know, these are unique situations and they have to be personalized.



But if the patient had an aortic dissection the need for reintervention was precipitated by the dissection itself, not the first operation so it kind of reiterates what we know that dissection is bad and that residual dissection downstream, especially if the false lumen does not thrombose can lead to problems such as dilation.



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