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大動脈弓手術について ~Loeys-Dietz症候群とMarfan症候群における大動脈弓への介入に関する比較研究~

Surgery Series: Aortic Arch (2/22/21)




In May of this year Dr. Cameron and his colleagues presented a very interesting study and this compared the Loeys-Dietz patients with Marfan's patients. This is a busy slide but we're going to walk through it.



So they took 79 Loeys-Dietz patients and they essentially separated them those with dissection versus those without so 11 percent initially presented with a dissection 89 percent that didn't but then in follow-up some crossed over because they had dissection in their follow-up period and the same is true for the Marfan's patients those without those with dissection. And so at the end of the analysis they had 12 Loeys-Dietz with dissection, 67 without, 26 with dissection 230 Marfan's without dissection.



And then in the absence of dissection Loeys-Dietz patients had a higher rate of arch intervention and that we can see down here so here's the Loeys-Dietz patients with dissection and they were similar to the Marfan's patients with dissection but where the curves really separated was up here and that is Loeys-Dietz patients that came in and had surgery on their root they needed secondary interventions on their arches but Marfan's patients that came in for their root did not need interventions on their arches.



So their conclusion is in acute type A dissection arch interventions were really similar between Loeys-Dietz and Marfan's patients but when you look at elective root repair the Loeys-Dietz patients had an increased risk for subsequent arch interventions so therefore consideration of addressing the arch in Loeys-Dietz patients for elective root repair should be considered.



Now once again this is a challenge too because a lot of the graphs we have are really made for adults, the sizes of them and the Loeys-Dietz patients usually present sooner than the Marfan's patients so Dr. Cameron's got a very nice discussion in his paper that talks about this so that's it for this the scientific component of it as far as studies the rest we're all going to do clinical applicability



So once again, "Should surgeons address the aortic arch at the first operation?" I'm going to show you a picture that I hate showing but my team loves showing it so I threw it in for them and that is, it really depends on the indication of the first operation.



So if you're there for elective root surgery Marfan's probably not going to get a total arch but Loeys-Dietz patients for elective root should be considered because they have a higher risk for arch intervention so in aortic dissection obviously the similar arch issues for Loeys-Dietz and Marfan’s so it's going to be patient-specific because you always have to worry about the fate of the distal aorta, okay?



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