
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

大動脈弓手術について ~大動脈解離B型を2度起こした19歳Marfan男性の症例~







Surgery Series: Aortic Arch (2/22/21)




Here's a picture and some video of a 19-year-old Marfan's patient, who came in a while ago. He had a root aneurysm that hadn't been operated and you can see his initial presentation was a type B aortic dissection so you can see the true lumen here the false lumen here.



Well, he went and got his root replacement done. He moved away, got his root replacement done elsewhere and then we met him again five years ago and now he represented with a second type B dissection in the setting above previous B and this one now went retrograde up into the arch and if you look on the left screen here, here's his true lumen here was his false lumen and the true lumen split again. This is an ominous sign in Marfan's patient. But we've got big problems so now his arch is big and his descending is big down in here was about eight centimeters.



You know, he was a typical 22 year old kid. He didn't want to really face some of his medical issues. He was, you know, going through some tough spots in life and now, now he had a tougher one.



So we did a stage procedure. So the first operation we addressed his arch so we did a total arch and then left an elephant trunk down in here so we brought him back to fight another day and then the thoraco was done.



So here's a completion. Unfortunately the video broke on the other one so I had to get rid of the first but here's now he's, his aorta is completely replaced from the root his total arch here's the elephant trunk that was left in place and now here is his completion thoracoabdominal with the intercostals in place.



So the stage procedures are critical and so setting yourself up for success for this next operation is crucial.



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