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大動脈弓手術について ~術後管理~

Surgery Series: Aortic Arch (2/22/21)




Obviously in the post-op setting there's a variety of things that we're looking for.



We obviously need a monitor for bleeding when we get up to the ICU. We need a monitor for tissue perfusion whether that's direct measurements like looking at the urine output or feeling the pulses or indirect measurements like checking laboratory values for the liver. the lactate levels or the kidney function.



We obviously want to do early extubation. A lot of times with circulatory rest I remember the patients would be asleep for two or three days after surgery, you know, 15 years ago. Nowadays it's very common for these patients to get woken up, you know, one to two hours after surgery and be extubated. Extubated meaning get the breathing tube out and get off the ventilator.



Why is that important? Well, one, we start your recovery and by starting your recovery we're going to get a very good neuro assessment. Neuro assessment's critical. The risk of, you know, stroke in arch surgery is anywhere between two to three percent for elective surgery but for emergency surgery it can be anywhere up to 10 to 15 percent.



So that's why brain protection is so critical and that balance in arch surgery is, is what makes it very challenging but fun at the same time.



Obviously early mobility, getting patients out of bed. A lot of times our patients after arch surgery they're sitting in a chair about six hours afterwards but also during the hospitalization maintaining that mobility to prevent complications.



Obviously pulmonary issues are a priority so working on the breathing machine and using your incentive spirometer and getting out of bed is critical.



Specific with arch surgery we need a monitor swallowing ability why is that well it always goes back to anatomy.



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