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大動脈弓手術について ~反回神経麻痺~

Surgery Series: Aortic Arch (2/22/21)




And with that the left recurrent laryngeal nerve, which hopefully you guys can see this pointer, but off the vaso, vegus the left recurrent laryngeal nerve wraps around the arch and it usually does this between the left carotid and the subclavian.



Well if we're replacing that that nerve can be at risk. Usually in the acute setting we can, you know, sometimes we can see it depending on how much aortic destruction has occurred. For chronic aneurysms you can usually see it but sometimes the inflammation can make it challenging.



Why is the left recurrent laryngeal nerve important? Because it goes back up here to the larynx and it innervates the vocal cords. Here's a direct laryngoscopy of the vocal cords. The vocal cords normally sit midline and then when you talk the nerves pull the vocal cords apart.



Well, if the nerve is injured then that vocal cord is pulled off to the side. Well, the problem with that is now you have an oak, direct opening to the lungs.



Well, the saliva that we have in our mouth starts breaking down steak. If you swallow and that saliva misses the first barrier, which is the epiglottis. Now the saliva is heading down towards the vocal cords. The vocal, vocal cords should be shut to protect the lungs. If you have a paralyzed vocal cord the spit can go right down into the trachea and then start breaking down the lungs because it can't tell the difference between steak or lung tissue. Because of that aspiration is a risk.



So we want to assess the patient's vocal cord, which is very easy bedside test to do.



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