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Surgery Series: Aortic Arch (2/22/21)




If people can't go to hog, I mean, how do people find an experienced surgeon? What should they ask, like they don't know where to go, they need to at least another question so they can find the right surgeon.



Yeah I think, I think that's where The Marfan Foundation has done an incredible job of helping direct and also the, you know, a lot of the patients are socially connected so they can, you know, find that out from friends.

それに関しては、The Marfan Foundationが直接関わることで、素晴らしい役割を果たしてきたのだと思います。多くの患者さんが社会的つながりを持ち、そのつながりの中から医師についての情報を得ることができます。


But I think questions that you should ask your surgeon is "How many procedures do you do in the surgery that you need done?" and, you know, you can ask patients what their, you know, outcomes are. I think that's a very fair question and I'd be careful of the surgeon that doesn't want to answer that question.



That's a great point.



And but I gotta say for, from a community standpoint as far as the aorta community on the surgical side there's a real push for regionalization of these problems.



And I gotta say in Orange County that's it's already kind of happened and, you know, as your aortic program builds people get the word out and then, you know, you know, even if someone shows up at another institution with a problem, you know, these aren't problems. A lot of surgeons want to deal with. So the ER gets on the phone and they're dialing for doctors.



And so that's why, you know, having a center where phone lines are always open is critical.



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